kubesphere / kubekey

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Harbor 项目支持多级目录,离线安装为什么还要创建项目呢,希望优化 #2272

Open ygqygq2 opened 4 weeks ago

ygqygq2 commented 4 weeks ago

Your current KubeKey version


Describe this feature

希望后面 kk 离线安装时使用一个 harbor 项目,而不是像现在这样创建一堆项目。

Describe the solution you'd like

比如希望像这样 : dockerhub.kubekey.local/public/kubesphere/kube-apiserver:v1.29.2 使用一个 public 项目即可,后面保留目录,既清晰又方便。

很多情况是已有 harbor,但是创建非常多的项目肯定不利于管理。希望更好的支持这种情况。

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pixiake commented 4 weeks ago

It's now supported, you just need to set the privateRegistry to dockerhub.kubekey.local/public.

ygqygq2 commented 4 weeks ago

离线安装容易报这种多架构镜像 push 问题,本身我看都没有 openebs/provisioner-localpv/manifests/3.3.0-amd64 这些镜像,当然无法推送了。离线真难啊,还是在线爽。

/openebs/provisioner-localpv:3.3.0 multi-arch manifest failed: all entries were skipped due to missing source image references; no manifest list to push
15:13:34 HKT failed: [LocalHost]
error: Pipeline[CreateClusterPipeline] execute failed: Module[CopyImagesToRegistryModule] exec failed: 
failed: [LocalHost] [PushManifest] exec failed after 1 retries: push image dockerhub.kubekey.local/public/openebs/provisioner-localpv:3.3.0 multi-arch manifest failed: all entries were skipped due to missing source image references; no manifest list to push