kubewharf / kelemetry

Global control plane tracing for Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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The kelemetry-chart v0.2.7 is unavailable on kubernetes v1.21.3 #347

Closed Czoyx closed 2 weeks ago

Czoyx commented 2 weeks ago

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download values.yaml and configure the settings(I only changed storageClassName).
  2. Install the chart: helm install kelemetry oci://ghcr.io/kubewharf/kelemetry-chart --version v0.2.7 --values values.yaml
  3. Output:
    Pulled: ghcr.io/kubewharf/kelemetry-chart:v0.2.7
    Digest: sha256:ae6acb3d014a5de5ff7f498fe5bcddc5b9da05122269704ad303eac888798122
    Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: unable to build kubernetes objects from release manifest: error validating "": error validating data: ValidationError(StatefulSet.spec): missing required field "serviceName" in io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetSpec
  4. Then I configure the field "io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetSpec.serviceName", helm install again, the comsumers and informers CrashLoopBackOff, even after the etcds is Running. Log:
    time="2024-09-03T06:04:46Z" level=error msg="unknown flag: --aggregator-span-follow-ttl"

Expected behavior

No response

Actual behavior

  1. Although the latest version of k8s does not have this problem, according to the documentation, I think this field "io.k8s.api.apps.v1.StatefulSetSpec.serviceName" should be configured.
  2. The comsumers and informers CrashLoopBackOff also occurs in the latest version of kind cluster.

Kelemetry version



kubernetes v1.21.3

SOF3 commented 2 weeks ago

Right, the aggregator-span-follow-ttl option has been removed a long time ago, we forgot to update the chart for that.