kubic-project / issues

Repository for storing issues and feature planning for Kubic
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Project status visibility and community activity #16

Open awoimbee opened 2 years ago

awoimbee commented 2 years ago

Hi, I've been using Kubic (and it's great), but I have little to no visibility to the current project status or its issues and developments. This issue section is the only place I found some community feedback, but it's hard to find and seems dead. The "project" section on github has been dead for a while too. The blog isn't very active either.

There seem to be some recent releases, and Kubic is great for my use-case, but the lack of community activity is still concerning (compared to something like bottlerocket it's like night and day).

thkukuk commented 2 years ago

There is the openSUSE Kubic mailing list and there is bugzilla.opensuse.org, where the bugs are reported against the MicroOS and Kubic components of the "Tumbleweed" product (See at "report a bug" on kubic.opensuse.org).

awoimbee commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the fast response. Here are the links for my future self:

I still think this project isn't visible enough and that you could have a lot more users.