kucharzyk / spring-angular2-starter

MIT License
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Lombok #46

Closed tomaszkolodziej closed 7 years ago

tomaszkolodziej commented 7 years ago

Add lombok support.

Why lombok was removed in version 1.9.0? Is there was any reason to remove lombok from project?

kucharzyk commented 7 years ago

Lombok is great tool and I use it everyday in my work but:

Do you think it's worth adding Lombok?

tomaszkolodziej commented 7 years ago

Ok, may be better option to wait. I will wait for java 9 and open this question/task or (may be better solution) add lombok plugin on my own (after java 9 released).

kucharzyk commented 7 years ago

I've checked current status of Lombok:

tsukhu commented 7 years ago

I agree .. Ideally lets keep the starter project related to the Spring and Angular 2 eco-system only. Add-ons like lombok should be left to the developers discretion

kucharzyk commented 7 years ago

In the future We can consider Immutables or AutoValue as better (but less powerfull) alternatives.


For now I'm closing this issue