kucherenko / blog

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Subtask 2: Implementing Unit Tests #40

Open brian-ai-assistant[bot] opened 1 year ago

brian-ai-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

Choose a unit testing framework such as Jest, Mocha, or Jasmine. Write unit tests for individual components, services, and functions of the application. Ensure proper test coverage to validate the behavior of the code at a specific unit level.

kucherenko commented 1 year ago
brian-ai-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

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kucherenko commented 1 year ago
brian-ai-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

Restarted tasks: go

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Pull request

Implement task #40 - Subtask 2: Implementing Unit Tests

The unit testing framework I have chosen for this web app is Jest. Jest is widely used, has a lot of community support, and provides a comprehensive set of features for writing and executing unit tests.

To implement unit tests, I will follow the best practice of writing tests for individual components, services, and functions of the application. This will ensure that each unit of code is tested in isolation to validate its behavior.

Here is an example of a unit test file 'example.test.js' for one of the components:

import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import ExampleComponent from './ExampleComponent';

describe('ExampleComponent', () => {
  test('renders without errors', () => {
    render(<ExampleComponent />);

  test('displays correct text', () => {
    render(<ExampleComponent />);
    expect(screen.getByText('Hello, World!')).toBeInTheDocument();

This test file uses the '@testing-library/react' library and its render function to render the 'ExampleComponent'. It then uses Jest's 'expect' function to make assertions on the rendered component, checking if the component is displayed without errors and if it contains the correct text.

By writing unit tests like this for all components, services, and functions of the application, we can ensure that the code behaves as expected and catches any regressions or bugs.

For the commit message, I would suggest: 'Implement unit tests using Jest framework'.

kucherenko commented 1 year ago

Use testing tools for vue frontend framework.

brian-ai-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

Restarted tasks: go

Working branch


Pull request

Implement task #40 - Subtask 2: Implementing Unit Tests

For implementing unit tests for the Vue frontend framework, I have chosen to use the Jest testing framework. Jest is widely used and has great integration with Vue applications. To set up the unit tests, I will follow these steps:

  1. Install Jest and Vue Test Utils as development dependencies.
  2. Create a tests folder in the frontend directory.
  3. Inside the tests folder, create a unit folder to organize the unit tests.
  4. Write unit tests for individual components, services, and functions of the application in separate test files.
  5. Run the tests using the npm test command.

With this approach, we can ensure proper test coverage to validate the behavior of the code at a specific unit level.