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RSS feeds crawler #54

Open kucherenko opened 1 year ago

kucherenko commented 1 year ago

Create RSS feeds crawler, use crawler/ folder. Write the solution on node.js on typescript. Read the list of RSS from csv file named channels.csv and save parsed data to sqlite table.

brian-ai-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

⚠️ Task Execution Failed

Description: We encountered an error while trying to execute the task (go) based on the provided information. To improve the execution success rate:

You can add comment and restart: the task.

For optimal results with Brian AI, always strive for clarity and specificity in your instructions. If the issue persists, please refer to our documentation or contact our support team.

kucherenko commented 1 year ago
brian-ai-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

Restarted tasks: go

Pull request

Implement task #54 - RSS feeds crawler

Solution Architecture

To implement the RSS feeds crawler web app, I propose the following solution architecture:

The backend will consist of an API endpoint that reads the list of RSS feeds from a CSV file and parses the data. The parsed data will then be saved to an SQLite database table.

Here are the main components of the solution architecture:

  1. Backend:

    • Use the NestJS framework to create a scalable and maintainable backend API.
    • Use TypeORM to interact with the SQLite database.
    • Implement a service that reads the CSV file and parses the RSS feeds data.
    • Create a controller that handles the API endpoints for reading the RSS feeds and saving the data to the database.
  2. Frontend:

    • Use Vue.js to create a user-friendly and responsive web interface.
    • Implement components to display the parsed RSS feeds data.

The solution architecture is designed to be secure by following best practices, such as using parameterized queries to prevent SQL injection and implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms.

Commit Message

Initial commit: Set up project structure and basic files

kucherenko commented 1 year ago
brian-ai-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

Task explanation

RSS Feeds Crawler - Web App Requirements

Task Description

The task is to create a web application using Node.js and TypeScript that crawls RSS feeds, reads a list of RSS feeds from a CSV file, and saves the parsed data to an SQLite table.

Files Content

You are provided with the following files:

Required Steps

To implement the task, follow these steps:

  1. Set up the project:

    • Create a new Node.js project.
    • Copy the content of backend/package.json into your project's package.json file.
    • Install the project dependencies by running npm install.
  2. Implement the RSS feeds crawler:

    • Create a new file named crawler.ts inside the src folder.
    • Write the code to read the list of RSS feeds from the channels.csv file.
    • Use a CSV parsing library to parse the file and extract the list of feeds.
    • Implement a function to crawl each feed and extract the required data.
    • Use the rss-parser library (or any other library of your choice) to parse the feeds.
    • Save the parsed data to an SQLite table.
    • Make use of the typeorm library to interact with the SQLite database.
  3. Integrate the crawler with the web application:

    • Modify the app.module.ts file to import and use the crawler functionality.
    • Update the app.controller.ts file to add an API route that triggers the RSS feeds crawler.
    • Create an endpoint that can be used to start the crawling process.
    • Use dependency injection to inject the crawler into the controller.
  4. Secure the application:

    • Implement authentication middleware to protect the API routes.
    • Add user authentication functionality using libraries like passport or jsonwebtoken.
    • Use encrypted connections (HTTPS) to ensure secure communication between clients and the server.
    • Validate input data and handle errors to prevent security vulnerabilities like SQL injection or XSS attacks.
  5. Test and deploy the application:

    • Write unit tests to ensure the functionality of the crawler and the API routes.
    • Use continuous integration tools like Travis CI or Jenkins for automated testing.
    • Deploy the application to a hosting platform of your choice, ensuring that the necessary security measures are in place.

Additional Notes

Good luck with your implementation!

kucherenko commented 1 year ago
  variants: 3
brian-ai-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

Pull request

Implement task #54 - RSS feeds crawler

RSS Feeds Crawler Architecture

To develop a secure web app for the RSS feeds crawler, I propose the following architecture:


The frontend will be developed using Vue.js, a popular JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It will consist of the following files:


The backend will be developed using NestJS, a progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable web applications. It will include the following files:


SQLite will be used as the database engine for storing the parsed data. The database will be accessed using the TypeORM library, which provides an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) layer for Node.js. The data will be stored in a table named parsed_data.

The commit message for these changes could be: "Implement architecture for secure RSS feeds crawler app"

Pull request

Implement task #54 - RSS feeds crawler

To implement the RSS feeds crawler web app, I would propose the following architecture and code structure:

  1. Backend: Node.js with Express framework and TypeScript

    • Create a separate folder named crawler for the backend code.
    • Use Express as the web framework to handle HTTP requests.
    • Set up a TypeScript project and configure the necessary dependencies in the package.json file.
    • Create an app.ts file to initialize the Express application and define the routes.
    • Implement a route to read the list of RSS feeds from the channels.csv file and save the parsed data to a SQLite database table.
    • Use the csv-parser library to parse the CSV file and the sqlite3 library to interact with the SQLite database.
    • Ensure that the data saved to the database undergoes proper validation and sanitization to prevent security vulnerabilities.
    • Implement error handling and logging for better debugging and maintenance.
  2. Security measures:

    • Implement input validation and sanitization to prevent common security risks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks.
    • Limit the size and type of file uploads to prevent potential security vulnerabilities.
    • Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms if required, to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive operations.
    • Implement rate limiting to prevent abuse and protect against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks.
    • Use secure coding practices to avoid common vulnerabilities like insecure direct object references, insecure deserialization, etc.
    • Regularly update and patch dependencies to protect against known security vulnerabilities.
  3. Testing and documentation:

    • Write unit tests using a testing framework like Jest to ensure the correctness of the code and avoid regression issues.
    • Generate API documentation using tools like Swagger to provide clear and up-to-date documentation of the available endpoints.
    • Follow a consistent coding style and ensure code readability to enhance maintainability.
    • Document the code and its functionality using inline comments and separate documentation files like README.md.
  4. Frontend (optional):

    • If a frontend is required, you can create a separate folder named frontend for the frontend code.
    • Use a front-end framework like React or Vue.js to build the user interface.
    • Implement the necessary components to display the data fetched from the backend and provide a user-friendly interface.

Commit Message: [feat] Implement RSS feeds crawler web app architecture and code

kucherenko commented 1 year ago
AI commands Something small enough to escape casual notice. ## Hey!
kosich commented 1 year ago

Blah Blah

🤖 AI Commands ``` \`\`\` execute a task go: \`\`\` ``` ``` \`\`\` explain explain: \`\`\` ```

⚠️ warning: you have used 80% of available tokens. To track your ai-tokens go here. You can buy more ai-tokens here.

kucherenko commented 1 year ago


brian-ai-assistant[bot] commented 1 year ago

⚠️ Task Execution Failed

Description: We encountered an error while trying to execute the task (implement) based on the provided information. To improve the execution success rate:

You can add comment and restart: the task.

For optimal results with Brian AI, always strive for clarity and specificity in your instructions. If the issue persists, please refer to our documentation or contact our support team.

🤖 Brian AI Commands Cheatsheet Quick reference for Brian AI commands with brief descriptions. ### Task Analysis - **`decompose`**: Splits a task into a list of subtasks. - **`explain`**: Provides a step-by-step guide for implementing a task. ### Implementation Guidance - **`implement`**: Suggests code implementation and creates a pull request. - **`files`**: Lists files and actions needed for issue implementation. ### Git Operations - **`branch`**: Suggests a git branch name, with optional prefix. ### Task Estimation - **`estimate`**: Provides task size estimates using t-shirt sizes or custom sizes. ### Image Generation - **`imagine`**: Generates an image based on issue text and comments, with optional negative prompt. ### Utility - **`restart`**: Restarts the last executed command. For parameter details and further information, refer to the complete [documentation](https://brian-ai.com/docs).