kucherenko / ol0lo

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Landing Page #50

Closed kucherenko closed 1 year ago

kucherenko commented 1 year ago

Implement a Landing Page for the application. The page should include the following sections: Pricing, Contacts, and About. The page should include registration and login buttons.

kucherenko commented 1 year ago
brian-ai-assistant-dev[bot] commented 1 year ago

Suggested list of subtasks

Suggested technical subtasks for implementing the Landing Page are as follows:

kucherenko commented 1 year ago
brian-ai-assistant-dev[bot] commented 1 year ago

Files required to implement the task

To implement the Landing Page task in the web app, the following files need to be created, updated, or deleted.

kucherenko commented 1 year ago
brian-ai-assistant-dev[bot] commented 1 year ago

Suggested branch

I recommend creating a branch with the name feature/50-landing-page for the task.

kucherenko commented 1 year ago
brian-ai-assistant-dev[bot] commented 1 year ago

Suggested estimation

Based on the given requirements, I estimate the task size to be medium (M).

kucherenko commented 1 year ago
brian-ai-assistant-dev[bot] commented 1 year ago

Working branch


Design Wireframes

To design the wireframes for the landing page, I will follow a user-centered approach. I will start by identifying the key elements and functionality required for the landing page. Based on the provided requirements, I will create wireframes using a design tool or software such as Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch.

The wireframes will consist of the following sections and components:

  1. Header: This section will contain the logo and navigation menu.
  2. Hero section: This will be the main section of the landing page, showcasing the app's key features or value proposition. It will include a headline, subheadline, and a call-to-action button.
  3. About Us: This section will provide a brief introduction about the app or company.
  4. Features: This section will highlight the app's key features or functionalities, using visually appealing icons or illustrations.
  5. Testimonials: This section will include testimonials or reviews from satisfied customers.
  6. Pricing: If applicable, this section will provide different pricing plans for the app.
  7. Contact Us: This section will contain a contact form or contact information for users to get in touch.
  8. Footer: This section will include links to important pages, social media profiles, and copyright information.

The wireframes will focus on creating a clean and intuitive user interface, with appropriate use of colors, typography, and spacing. I will ensure that the wireframes are aligned with modern design principles and responsive design, allowing the app to be accessed seamlessly across different devices.

Commit Message:

Implement HTML/CSS

To implement the HTML/CSS for the landing page, I would start by creating an HTML file and a CSS file. In the HTML file, I would structure the page using semantic tags such as header, footer, section, and buttons. I would also add necessary UI elements like images and text according to the wireframes provided. In the CSS file, I would style the elements using appropriate selectors and apply the desired layout, colors, font styles, and any other required visual effects. The CSS will help to make the landing page visually appealing and aligned with the wireframes.

As for the commit message, I would suggest using 'Implemented HTML/CSS for landing page' to clearly indicate the purpose of the commit.

Test and Debug

To test and debug the landing page, I will follow these steps:

  1. Testing on Different Browsers and Devices: I will test the landing page on popular browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge to ensure cross-browser compatibility. Additionally, I will test the page on different devices with varying screen sizes, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices.

  2. User Interface (UI) Testing: I will carefully review the UI elements and functionality of the landing page to ensure they are working as intended. This includes checking for proper layout, responsiveness, navigation, and interactivity.

  3. Form Validation: If the landing page includes any forms, I will thoroughly test the validation of user input to prevent any potential security vulnerabilities. I will test for required fields, proper data formats, and protection against common attack vectors like SQL injection or XSS attacks.

  4. Error Handling: I will intentionally trigger errors in the landing page to verify that proper error handling and messaging are in place. This will help ensure that users receive meaningful error messages and that sensitive data is not exposed accidentally.

  5. Performance Testing: I will use performance testing tools to assess the loading speed and overall performance of the landing page. This will help identify any performance bottlenecks or optimizations that can be implemented.

During the testing process, I will closely monitor for any issues or bugs. If any problems are found, I will debug the code and fix the issues to ensure a bug-free and reliable user experience.

Pull request

Add Responsive Design

Implement task #50 - Landing Page

To implement responsive design for the landing page, we can use CSS media queries to create different styles for different screen sizes and devices. Here's how I would approach this task:

  1. Open the nuxt.config.js file and update the configuration for the tailwindcss module to enable just-in-time mode by setting jit: true. This will allow us to use Tailwind CSS utility classes effectively.

  2. Update the configuration for the ESLint module in nuxt.config.js to disable caching by setting cache: false. This ensures that we're always using the latest ESLint rules.

  3. In the postcss section of the build configuration in nuxt.config.js, add the Tailwind CSS and Autoprefixer plugins to the plugins array.

    postcss: {
     plugins: {
       tailwindcss: {},
       autoprefixer: {},
  4. In the assets/css directory, create a new file called responsive.css to hold our responsive styles.

  5. Inside responsive.css, define the responsive styles using media queries. For example, to make the landing page layout adapt to smaller screens, we can use the following CSS:

    @media (max-width: 768px) {
     /* Styles specific to smaller screens */

    Write additional media queries as needed to cover various device sizes and orientations.

  6. Save the changes to the files.

To test the responsive design, open the landing page in different browsers and devices, or use browser developer tools to simulate different screen sizes.

Commit message: Implement responsive design for the landing page


Implement JavaScript Functionality

Implement task #50 - Landing Page

To implement the JavaScript functionality for the landing page, I will use a combination of vanilla JavaScript and some popular libraries/frameworks such as jQuery and Bootstrap. Here's the plan and the reasoning behind it:

  1. Animations: I will use CSS animations along with the Animate.css library to add visually pleasing animations to various elements on the landing page. This will provide a more engaging user experience.

  2. Slideshow/Carousel functionality: To create a slideshow or carousel effect for showcasing multiple images or content, I will use the Slick carousel library. It offers a wide range of customization options and is lightweight.

  3. Form Validation: For client-side form validation, I will utilize the jQuery Validation plugin. It provides easy-to-use and configurable validation rules to ensure that the user inputs valid data.

By using these libraries and frameworks, I can save development time and ensure cross-browser compatibility. The implementation will be structured in a modular and reusable way, allowing easy maintenance and future enhancements.

Optimize Page Performance

Implement task #50 - Landing Page

To optimize the landing page for performance, we can follow these steps:

  1. Minimize file sizes: We can use tools like minification and compression to reduce the size of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files.

  2. Compress images: We can use image compression techniques to reduce the file size of images without compromising on quality.

  3. Caching resources: We can set caching headers for static resources like CSS, JavaScript, and images, so that they are cached by the browser and not requested again for subsequent page loads.

  4. Follow best practices for loading speed: We can utilize techniques like lazy loading, asynchronous loading, and code splitting to ensure that only necessary resources are loaded and the page loads faster.

For implementing these steps, we can make changes in the following files:

Commit message: Implemented performance optimizations for landing page

kucherenko commented 1 year ago
brian-ai-assistant-dev[bot] commented 1 year ago

Working branch


kucherenko commented 1 year ago
brian-ai-assistant-dev[bot] commented 1 year ago

Working branch
