kudago / smart-app-banner

Lightweight smart app banner with no jquery requirement
MIT License
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Setting daysHidden and daysReminder to 0 does not work as expected #110

Open faceoffers28 opened 5 years ago

faceoffers28 commented 5 years ago

I was able to test on my Android device, but it seems like I will have to wait a day to test again. I set the daysHidden and daysReminder to 0, but the banner does not display. Does anyone know how to get the script to override daysHidden and daysReminder? Thanks in advance!

faceoffers28 commented 5 years ago

I set daysHidden and daysReminder to 1, but I can't get the banner to display. It displayed one time and it hasn't worked since. Can someone explain how this is supposed to work? Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

shahrilamrias commented 5 years ago

It's been a few months but in case someone is looking for an answer here it is.

Smart Banner saves the data to cookie. Just look for it under Cookies for your site in Applications tab on your Browser's Developer Console. Just remove the cookie with the name *-smartbanner-closed or if you're testing on mobile or just being lazy then just clear cookies for your site.

erensertkaya commented 1 year ago

You can set to -1, it's worked for me.