Stumbled across an example of this and loved it. Adds help to make which required rearrangement to achieved desired output. Here is an example:
❯ make help
Usage: make <OPTIONS> ... <TARGETS>
Available targets are:
make <target>
help Show this help screen
test Runs unit tests
integration-test Runs integration tests
test-clean cleans test outputs
all Build manager and runs unit tests
lint Run golangci-lint
manager Builds manager
manager-fast Builds manager without code generation
run Runs Manager locally (requires ngrok or webhook management)
cli Builds CLI with code generation
cli-install Installs kubectl-kudo to GOBIN
clean Cleans cli, tests and manager
docker-build Docker Build (for dev only)
dev-ready Installs KUDO manifests and updates webhook to work with ngrok
generate (Re)Generates CRDs and go-bindata
update-golden Updates golden files
Signed-off-by: Ken Sipe
Stumbled across an example of this and loved it. Adds help to
which required rearrangement to achieved desired output. Here is an example:except in color :)