kudos / combine.fm

🔊 Make sharing from music services better.
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Add ytmusic service #315

Closed renatolond closed 3 years ago

renatolond commented 3 years ago


Fixes #177

renatolond commented 3 years ago

I didn't quite understand how I can add new values to the enums using sequelize. I had to cheat a bit to get my local environment running, because it was complaining the models didn't exist, so I'm guessing there's steps I was missing and that are not in the README. I'm imagining a migration is needed?

renatolond commented 3 years ago

Images returned by ytmusic seem to always have some kind of border, not sure how to treat that, looks weird in the ui :T https://i.ytimg.com/vi/8VR-ATv5bTc/maxresdefault.jpg

kudos commented 3 years ago

Really awesome work here, man, thank you! I don't think I'll get a chance to review today, I need to spin up a dev env to play around with the branch first. Should get a look early in the week though :)