kuestess / homebridge-platform-insteonlocal

Homebridge platform plugin for local Insteon control
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Correctly Configuring Dimmable Keypad #185

Open ericboles opened 2 years ago

ericboles commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to get a keypad buttons to be used as on/off switches to HomeKit while also controlling the dimmable lights connected to the keypad (8 button keypad).

Below is the relevant info from the config file. "Office Sconces" are directly wired to the main button of the keypad. This setup works--allowing me to control the sconces through homekit and create additional homekit automations when button A is pressed.

However, whenever button B or C are pressed (or other buttons if configured), the homebridge log shows "Got On Event for Office Sconces" or "Got Off Event for Office Sconces" making it impossible to effectively use those buttons for other purposes since it kicks off whatever HomeKit automation is set for the main button on the keypad.

I can change the "Office Sconces" deviceType to "keypad". That seems to then not send on/off events for the Office Sconces when other buttons are pressed, but I lose the ability to control the dim level of the Office Sconces--it's just a basic switch.

I'm sure that I'm just not setting up the config correctly for the keypad as I imagine this setup is rather basic. I'd like to get to:

  1. Be able to control the dimmable lights connected to the keypad within homekit.
  2. Detect the Button A press on the keypad to kick off additional homekit automations when the Office Sconces are turned on.
  3. Use other buttons on the keypad as on/off events for homekit to create automations without necessarily also turning the lights connected to the keypad.
                    "name": "Office Sconces",
                    "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
                    "deviceType": "lightbulb",
                    "dimmable": "yes",
                    "groupID": "23"
                    "name": "Office Keypad B",
                    "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
                    "deviceType": "scene",
                    "keypadbtn": "B"
                    "name": "Office Keypad C",
                    "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
                    "deviceType": "scene",
                    "keypadbtn": "C"
kuestess commented 2 years ago

@ericboles Looking at 1 and 2 above, sounds like that already works if I understood your description correctly. For 3, you can configure 'Office Keypad B/C' as "deviceType": "keypad" - this only sends a command to the device to turn that key on or off. The event listener will then pay attention to the group (which corresponds to the keypad button) and change status of the correct button/device in home.

ericboles commented 2 years ago

Thanks so much for the reply and my apologies--looks like I wasn't as clear as I should have been with the issue.

I just tried changing deviceType to “keypad” from “scene” for the keypad buttons, but I’m running into the same issue.

Looking at the 3 points:

  1. I am able to control the main keypad load as a dimmer if it is setup as deviceType “lightbulb”. That works fine—essentially giving me the same control of that load as if it was on a simple dimmable Insteon switch.
  2. I can detect when the main keypad button “A” is pressed. Looking at the Homebrige logs it shows up as expected and I can tie HomeKit automations to that action:
    [19/01/2022, 19:47:02] [Insteon Local Platform] Got on event for Office Sconces
  3. Unfortunately, pressing other buttons on the keypad also end up signaling an “on” or “off” event for the Office Sconces. For example:
    [19/01/2022, 19:48:06] [Insteon Local Platform] Got off event for Office Sconces
    [19/01/2022, 19:48:06] [Insteon Local Platform] Got updated status for Office Keypad C

    From that example, only Keypad C was pressed, but the Homebridge log reflects that pressing the C button also sent an off event for Office Sconces (For some reason, Office Sconces appears first in the log, not the C key press…maybe based on the order of devices in config.json?).

There is no Insteon scene set for button C that would control the Office Sconces, so that doesn’t seem to be what is causing a C keypress to also fire a main button (“A”) keypress. My best guess is that the button C press creates activity on the same Insteon ID as the Office Sconces so InsteonLocal is somehow also interpreting that activity as an on/off event for Office Sconces.

The challenge here is that any HomeKit automation tied to an on/off of Office Sconces is always fired whenever one of the other keypad buttons is pressed, even if they’re not meant to do anything with Office Sconces. This effectively means I can’t really set any HomeKit automations with the other buttons as they’ll always also fire automations for the Office Sconces.

vanpatrickbevill commented 2 years ago

I am having a similar issue with how to properly define a 6-button keypad where the Main Buttons (what number are those, anyway? Maybe 0?) controls a light, while the A,B,C (1,2,3) buttons each control scenes with multiple dimmable lights set to varying brightness depending on the scene, and the D (4) button controls a non-dimmable light as an on/off switch. I've noticed that when I set the keypad's device type to "dimmer" it works well with the light the main button controls, and the status of the button and brightness levels are all instantly detected in Homekit. For the A,B,C buttons, I can see I'm going to have to learn how to associate them with Homekit scenes somehow, but it's not clear to me how keypad will know to change the LED lights on the A,B, and C buttons once those scenes are invoked. Hope that makes sense. Just a little confused in general about working with keypad devices in Hoobs/Homebridge.

kuestess commented 2 years ago

@ericboles Gotcha now. The plugin should filter those events based upon the keypad button defined in your config. In other words, it should only update status if the button press comes from the defined button. I've got a setup like you describe as well and it seems to work fine. Can you run homebridge in debug mode homebridge -D and post the output when you press another button on the keypad?

ericboles commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @kuestess. In an attempt to rule any extraneous issues out, I did a factory reset on the keypad and ensured there were no scenes tied to it within the hub or any device-to-device links. Unfortunately, after all of that, it still exhibits the same behavior--the main button functions as expected and HomeKit automation are triggered from that. Any other keypad button press is recognized in HomeKit, but those button presses also invoke the HomeKit automation for the main button.

Here's the log details from home bridge in debug mode:

When Pressing the Main Keypad Button (Labeled Office Sconces) Things work as expected:

[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Received command for 4B4AC9
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Found 6 accessories matching 4B4AC9
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Hub command: {"standard":{"type":"50","id":"4B4AC9","gatewayId":"000001","extended":false,"messageType":6,"hopsLeft":3,"maxHops":3,"command1":"11","command2":"00","raw":"02504B4AC9000001CF1100"}}
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Sconces (4B4AC9)
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Got on event for Office Sconces
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Sconces
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad B (4B4AC9)
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 1)
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad C (4B4AC9)
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 1)
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad D (4B4AC9)
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 1)
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad E (4B4AC9)
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 1)
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad F (4B4AC9)
[24/01/2022, 21:25:34] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 1)

When Pressing the Keypad Button B Note that is shows an "on event" for Office Sconces...this gets reflected in HomeKit and starts the automation associated with that action the same as if the main keypad button was pressed:

[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Received command for 4B4AC9
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Found 6 accessories matching 4B4AC9
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Hub command: {"standard":{"type":"50","id":"4B4AC9","gatewayId":"000002","extended":false,"messageType":6,"hopsLeft":3,"maxHops":3,"command1":"11","command2":"00","raw":"02504B4AC9000002CF1100"}}
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Sconces (4B4AC9)
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Got on event for Office Sconces
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Sconces
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad B (4B4AC9)
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Got updated status for Office Keypad B
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Keypad B
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad C (4B4AC9)
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad D (4B4AC9)
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad E (4B4AC9)
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad F (4B4AC9)
[24/01/2022, 21:24:55] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)

The same thing happens for any other keypad buttons--updated status on the relevant Keypad button, but also shows an on or off event for Office Sconces.

A few things to note:

  1. With debug mode, the log is a bit "noisy" with repeated events (e.g. any activity with the keypad seems to show the same event twice or more in the log).
  2. No scenes are defined in the Insteon hub for any of the keypad buttons--it's factory reset so the Insteon hub is not activating separate scenes that would turn on/off the sconces from different keypad buttons.

Relevant Details from config.json

                    "name": "Office Sconces",
                    "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
                    "deviceType": "dimmer"
                    "name": "Office Keypad B",
                    "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
                    "deviceType": "keypad",
                    "keypadbtn": "B"
                    "name": "Office Keypad C",
                    "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
                    "deviceType": "keypad",
                    "keypadbtn": "C"
                    "name": "Office Keypad D",
                    "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
                    "deviceType": "keypad",
                    "keypadbtn": "D"
                    "name": "Office Keypad E",
                    "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
                    "deviceType": "keypad",
                    "keypadbtn": "E"
                    "name": "Office Keypad F",
                    "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
                    "deviceType": "keypad",
                    "keypadbtn": "F"

Thanks for the help and attention to this.

kuestess commented 2 years ago

@ericboles Thanks for the detail - very helpful. So I think what's going on is related to the logic in the eventListener. When an event occurs, it grabs the Insteon device id, checks to see if its one that's defined in the config, and then cycles through every device in the config that has that device id to update status based upon the button press. For keypads, that will return as many devices as you have buttons defined (in your case 6). From there, it takes some action based upon the deviceType defined in the config. If its defined as a keypad, it will check that the group (the 'gatewayID' in the raw command above) matches the button in the config. Since your 'A/office sconces' button is defined as a dimmer (which is correct), it doesn't check the group and your Office Sconces device gets turned on in Home every time. I think I can add some logic to handle this, just have to make sure that it won't wreck other things. Thanks again for the detail - really made it easy to troubleshoot. I've got scenes attached to all of the 'A' buttons on my keypads so this never popped up for me, surprised nobody else has had an issue.

ericboles commented 2 years ago

@kuestess Thanks for the update--and your diagnosis sure sounds right. It is surprising that no one has run into it before--seems like it would be a more common use case, but maybe not. Do let me know how I can help with testing--happy to do whatever I can.

kuestess commented 2 years ago

@ericboles Sorry for the delay on this - took me a bit to get to it and the logic I thought might work didn't pan out. I think I have another way to handle this - should have something soon.

ericboles commented 2 years ago

@kuestess No worries at all. Thanks for the update--and let me know if there's anything I can do to help.

kuestess commented 2 years ago

@ericboles Just published a new version which should take care of this - let me know if you have any issues.

ericboles commented 2 years ago

@kuestess Thanks! I've done some testing and it's close...but not quite there (although my issue could be my config file). When configured as you see below (the main button as a "keypad" deviceType), the plugin now filters out other button presses on the keypad. Other buttons can be pressed and tied to HomeKit automations without also triggering a power state change on "Office Sconces". However, this makes it so the physical lights connected to the "Office Sconces" keypad load are no longer controllable via HomeKit. I can tap the button within the Home app and any automations associated with "Office Sconces" will trigger, but the lights on that main switch will not turn on or off via HomeKit.

   "name": "Office Sconces",
   "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
   "deviceType": "keypad",
   "keypadbtn": "A"
   "name": "Office Keypad B",
   "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
   "deviceType": "keypad",
   "keypadbtn": "B"

When I define the Office Sconces device as a "lightbulb" or "dimmer" instead of "keypad" (similar to my comment in this thread from Jan 24), the lights on that main switch are now controllable and dimmable via HomeKit. However, it seems to no longer be "filtered out" from other button presses on the keypad. When other keypad buttons are toggled off, Homebridge then detects that "Office Sconces" are off as well. The actual sconces stay on, but any automation tied to them being turned off in HomeKit is triggered.

I've also tried defining the Office Sconces deviceType as "lightbulb" and "dimmer"...with and without also defining "keypadbtn" as "A". But it seems that the result is always the same--controllable via HomeKit, but no longer filtered so triggered in turn by other keys on the keypad.

I hope this explanation of my troubleshooting makes sense. Let me know if I've just missed something with the config file setup. Thanks again!

kuestess commented 2 years ago

@ericboles Office Sconces (the connected load) should definitely be defined as either a lightbulb/dimmer/switch. The keypad code just sends a command to turn that specific key light on, and doesn't trigger a scene or the connected load. With that configured as a lightbulb/dimmer and your other buttons as a keypad, the code from the recent update should be filtering out any non-keypad devices when a button is pushed....sounds like that isn't happening for you. Can you run homebridge in debug mode and post the output with various button presses? What you did last time was very helpful.

ericboles commented 2 years ago

@kuestess Sorry for the delay in getting back you you. I've run some further tests and have included logs below. When configuring the main load/Button A as a lightbulb, I can control the lights through HomeKit as well as the switch.

It appears that "on" button presses from the other keypad buttons are correctly filtered out and not captured as "on" events for the main load. However, it doesn't appear to filter out an "off" event from the other keypad buttons. An off event from the other keypad buttons will, in turn, signal to HomeKit that the main load lightbulb is off and trigger automations associated with that.

You can see from the logs below that a single button press seems to create 3 separate Received command for 4B4AC9 events in the log. The first and last event shows Found 5 accessories, while the middle event shows Found 6 accessories. And you can see from the middle event in the "Button B Press Off" log entries, that it detects a Got off event for Office Sconces. That seems to be what then triggers HomeKit to turn off the lights connected to the main load--even through that's not part of an Insteon scene or HomeKit automation with that button press.

Hope this additional info helps--please let me know if you'd like me to try anything else.

Current Config Sample:

   "name": "Office Sconces",
   "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
   "deviceType": "lightbulb"
   "name": "Office Keypad B",
   "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
   "deviceType": "keypad",
   "keypadbtn": "B"
   "name": "Office Keypad C",
   "deviceID": "4B4AC9",
   "deviceType": "keypad",
   "keypadbtn": "C"

Button B Press On Event Log:

[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Received command for 4B4AC9
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Message is from keypad, filtering non-keypad devices.
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Found 5 accessories matching 4B4AC9
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Hub command: {"standard":{"type":"50","id":"4B4AC9","gatewayId":"000002","extended":false,"messageType":6,"hopsLeft":3,"maxHops":3,"command1":"11","command2":"00","raw":"02504B4AC9000002CF1100"}}
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad B (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got updated status for Office Keypad B
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Keypad B
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad C (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad D (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad E (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad F (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Received command for 4B4AC9
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Found 6 accessories matching 4B4AC9
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Hub command: {"standard":{"type":"50","id":"4B4AC9","gatewayId":"39E6F0","extended":false,"messageType":2,"hopsLeft":0,"maxHops":0,"command1":"11","command2":"02","raw":"02504B4AC939E6F0401102"}}
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Sconces (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad B (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got updated status for Office Keypad B
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Keypad B
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad C (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad D (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad E (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad F (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Received command for 4B4AC9
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Message is from keypad, filtering non-keypad devices.
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Found 5 accessories matching 4B4AC9
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Hub command: {"standard":{"type":"50","id":"4B4AC9","gatewayId":"110102","extended":false,"messageType":6,"hopsLeft":3,"maxHops":3,"command1":"06","command2":"00","raw":"02504B4AC9110102CF0600"}}
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad B (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got updated status for Office Keypad B
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Keypad B
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad C (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad D (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad E (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad F (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:24:19] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)

Button B Press Off Event Log:

[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Received command for 4B4AC9
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Message is from keypad, filtering non-keypad devices.
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Found 5 accessories matching 4B4AC9
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Hub command: {"standard":{"type":"50","id":"4B4AC9","gatewayId":"000002","extended":false,"messageType":6,"hopsLeft":2,"maxHops":3,"command1":"13","command2":"00","raw":"02504B4AC9000002CB1300"}}
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad B (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got updated status for Office Keypad B
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Keypad B
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad C (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad D (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad E (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad F (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Received command for 4B4AC9
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Found 6 accessories matching 4B4AC9
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Hub command: {"standard":{"type":"50","id":"4B4AC9","gatewayId":"39E6F0","extended":false,"messageType":2,"hopsLeft":0,"maxHops":0,"command1":"13","command2":"02","raw":"02504B4AC939E6F0401302"}}
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Sconces (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got off event for Office Sconces
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Sconces
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad B (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Keypad B
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad C (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Keypad C
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad D (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Keypad D
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad E (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Keypad E
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad F (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Keypad F
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Received command for 4B4AC9
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Message is from keypad, filtering non-keypad devices.
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Found 5 accessories matching 4B4AC9
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Hub command: {"standard":{"type":"50","id":"4B4AC9","gatewayId":"130102","extended":false,"messageType":6,"hopsLeft":3,"maxHops":3,"command1":"06","command2":"00","raw":"02504B4AC9130102CF0600"}}
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad B (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got updated status for Office Keypad B
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] No group members defined for Office Keypad B
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad C (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad D (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad E (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Got event for Office Keypad F (4B4AC9)
[02/04/2022, 18:25:30] [Insteon Local Platform] Event not for correct group (group: 2)
stale[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.