kufii / CodeSnap

📸 Take beautiful screenshots of your code in VS Code!
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I create VsCodeSnap to help continue this great project #120

Open luisllamasbinaburo opened 1 year ago

luisllamasbinaburo commented 1 year ago

I love CodeSnap, but it seems this project is not active (16 month and 9 PR at that moment)

So I create a fork to help continue with this great project, It's called VsCodeSnap https://github.com/luisllamasbinaburo/VSCodeSnap

I will merge all pending PR, and add new functionalities. If anyone want to help me and contribute, you're more than welcomed.

If at some moment @kufii want to merge into this, just let me know. (and i hope you are safe and healthy Adrien, thanks for your work)

MuTsunTsai commented 1 year ago

Pretty awesome, but could you allow reporting issues in your repo? I've noticed a few.

luisllamasbinaburo commented 1 year ago

Ups, sorry. Done!