kuglee / TermiWatch

Terminal Watch Face for Apple Watch
MIT License
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Noticed today that the time has stopped changing.... #13

Open jouster1974 opened 5 years ago

jouster1974 commented 5 years ago

put the watch on this momrng as usual, and recently switched over the the TermiwWatch app and noticed the time was wrong...and it hasn't changed since.

Ive tried shutting own the ap on the watch and pohone and even tried rebooting both..none of that made a difference. I've also tried uninstalling and reinsalling the app but the time is stil lstuck on 08:03 as it has been since I first looked at it.

It was completely fine the whole day yesterday and the time is correct on all other watch faces (ntive) and watch fae apps.

Any suggestion on what might be causing this and how to remedy it...next thing to try is to reinstall the watch via XCode but that seems a bit drastic to do everytime this happens

jouster1974 commented 5 years ago

after a bit of playing about it seems its just the minutes that have stopped changing and when I add seconds into the custom time field the seconds do in fact move...but the minutes are still shown incorrectly (Still showing 08:03)...

Ive swtiched the time field to Standard and short for now which leaves the time displaing correctly....I'll monitor this and see if it stays correct throughout the day and first thing tomorrow