kuglee / TermiWatch

Terminal Watch Face for Apple Watch
MIT License
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Issue sending app for internal testflight #14

Open Goalieed opened 5 years ago

Goalieed commented 5 years ago

I purchased a developer profile to get the extended timeframe before the app expires, and I also sometimes use the internal version of TestFlight that allows a few people to also use the apps with an extended 90 day expire date (without Apple review).

I am able to get it to run on my device, but when I attempt to send it to the App Store (for the internal TestFlight only) I get this error and I can only cancel or view a log:

Code signing “PMKCoreLocation.framework” failed

If anyone has any idea if this is fixable, that would be great.


cluzier commented 5 years ago

check out my pull request that supports Swift 5 and iOS 12.2,

try sending that to the app store, let me know how that goes

Goalieed commented 5 years ago

I don’t have iOS 12.2 so I get an error compiling that code.

cluzier commented 5 years ago

ah okay, make sure you check out the other issues on the repo, I think I've seen others talk about your issue with "PMKCoreLocation.framework"

o-ll-i commented 5 years ago

I got manage these Signing Errors with

  1. adding this Run Script under BuildPhases as last entry. github/aws-amplify for both, TermiWatch and TermiWatch WatchKit Extension.

to upload to TestFlight/App Store Connect

  1. you have to correct all Icons because the original png's all contain an alpha channel (have to be removed). Managed that with manually open each with Preview.app > Export > uncheck "Alpha" and replace the original Icon. (have to be done once for each icon, can not be done with marked all)

  2. add Privacy Strings to the main Info.plist (Privacy Health Share/Use/Update and Location).

  3. Correct the Bundle ID of PMKHealtKit.framework at its Info.plist from "org.promisekit.Foundation" to "org.promisekit.HealthKit" - also in both frameworks (iOS and watchOS) (via Finder TermiWatch/Carthage/Build/) - after Clean Build Folder and retry.

  4. Uncheck "Include Bitcode..." + "Strip Swift.." and "Upload your..." while Upload with Organizer

Afterwards I was able to upload and test (internal for now, still in review for external test, but I think they will revoke :D ).