kuglee / TermiWatch

Terminal Watch Face for Apple Watch
MIT License
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Can't change team in the Signing & Capabilities #74

Open VincentBei opened 6 months ago

VincentBei commented 6 months ago

In the Signing & Capabilities segment, when I choose my account in the team selection bar, the status below shows 2 errors: Communication with Apple failed Your team has no devices from which to generate a provisioning profile. Connect a device to use or manually add device IDs in Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. https://developer.apple.com/account/ and No profiles for 'com..TermiWatch' were found Xcode couldn't find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching 'com..TermiWatch'. However, in the account section, I can clearly see my account logged in and the certificate is there... Do I need to buy the paid development account to make this happen?

mika-ma commented 6 months ago

This is an automatic reply, confirming that your email was received.I will reply as soon as possible.Thanks, mika.