kuhn-ruess / Checkmk-Checks

Checks and Stuff for Check_MK
MIT License
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pure - A section for the SSL certs #53

Open SteveParker8x8 opened 1 year ago

SteveParker8x8 commented 1 year ago

Hi , I had a request to have a check for the pure storage array to alert when the SSL certs are approaching expiry . I have the code to hand and can submit a Pull Request if this would help?

Thanks for the continued work on the Checkmk-Checks


Bastian-Kuhn commented 1 year ago

Hi Steve,

It would be more than welcome :) Thanks for your time too, and I'm looking forward to this Pullrequest.


SteveParker8x8 commented 1 year ago

Thanks Bastian, can you grant the appropriate access....

git push --set-upstream origin add_cert_check
ERROR: Permission to kuhn-ruess/Checkmk-Checks.git denied to SteveParker8x8.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Bastian-Kuhn commented 1 year ago

Hi Steve, you have to fork the Repo, commit in your repo (rebase it, if we made changes in the meantime) and then create the Request best using the Web interface (There will be a prompt). See also here: https://opensource.com/article/19/7/create-pull-request-github

Don't worry, it's easy, and your commits will then go into our repo.