kuhn-ruess / Checkmk-Checks

Checks and Stuff for Check_MK
MIT License
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mysql_status: Update CheckMK 2.3 fails #76

Open TGion opened 3 weeks ago

TGion commented 3 weeks ago

We are trying to update CheckMK from 2.2.0p25.cre to 2.3. The update fails because of deprecated API calls:

01/06 Legacy check plugins...
Ignoring outdated plugin 'mysql.status': Format no longer supported -- this API is deprecated!

You can abort the update process (A) and try to fix the incompatibilities or continue the update (c).

Is this issue known? Are there any workarounds? Thanks in advance for your support!

Bastian-Kuhn commented 3 weeks ago


There is no workaround, this plugin needs to be rewritten for the new Checkmk 2.3 API.

2.3 removed the 1.x APIs, deprecated the one introduced in 2.0 and introduced a whole new, but better supported Check API.

TGion commented 3 weeks ago

Hey Bastian,

thanks for your swift reply. Will you consider the rewrite to the new API in the near future (or ever)?

Bastian-Kuhn commented 3 weeks ago

Hi Tobias, as soon one of our consumers orders us. Can't tell you how soon that happens.