kuhnroyal / mat-datetimepicker

Material datetimepicker for @angular/material
MIT License
152 stars 86 forks source link

Suggestion to Add DateFns Support #487

Open jagipas opened 9 months ago

jagipas commented 9 months ago


After reviewing your valuable project, I found that it currently utilizes a native-datetime-adapter as well as a moment-datetime-adapter for MatDatetimepicker configuration. While these have served us excellently, I'd like to propose adding support for DateFns, as it can provide more versatility and efficiency in handling JavaScript dates.

I plan to submit a PR with some proposed implementations if there are no objections.

bbortt commented 9 months ago

no objections. 😉

fxck commented 8 months ago

@jagipas hey, have you managed to create the adapter?