kuhnroyal / mat-datetimepicker

Material datetimepicker for @angular/material
MIT License
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Selecting minutes in datetime popup window temperamentally does not select #567

Open shaggygoat opened 1 week ago

shaggygoat commented 1 week ago

Selecting minutes sometimes works on the first click and successfully closes the datetime popup window and returns to my form: image

However sometimes when selecting minutes, nothing happens, and the UI remains on the screen seen below and no console logging is performed in this instance for any chance to try to debug: image

Has anyone experienced this kind of behavior before and has been able to resolve it?

shaggygoat commented 1 week ago

I've been testing this a bit more today and think that how quickly I was clicking the minutes option is a factor. I've been doing the process slower, potentially allowing the UI to fully load and when testing this way, it works 100% of the time so far.