kuhnza / angular-google-places-autocomplete

Pure AngularJS directive for Google Places Autocomplete
MIT License
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Suggestions drawer does not scroll with screen content #98

Open nrcrabbe opened 8 years ago

nrcrabbe commented 8 years ago


I have implemented this package into an Ionic hybrid app. Generally everything is great. However I have found that if the suggestions draw is open and the screen is scrolled (on both iOs and android devices) the drawer stays in the same position on the screen and the rest of the content scrolls. This in effect detaches the drawer from the input field.

Has anyone else had any issues with this on Ionic or otherwise? My gut feeling is that the <div g-places-autocomplete-drawer></div> is placed outside the <ion-content> so therefore Ionic doesn't scroll it.

Can I specify where the <div g-places-autocomplete-drawer></div> is placed on the page somehow? If I can specify it to be placed up the page and inside <ion-content>, I have a feeling it may fix my problem.


jakub-g commented 8 years ago

@nrcrabbe did you manage to have the widget working properly with ionic at all?

So far for me, when I tap the result on mobile, the popup with results disappears and data model is not populated with the data from Google. It only works correctly on desktop when I select an element by keyboard arrows.