kuhrusty / MorbadScorepad

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DangerDeckActivity: display all cards for the turn at once #15

Open kuhrusty opened 5 years ago

kuhrusty commented 5 years ago

When you're drawing Danger cards for multiple parties, sometimes you need to go back and look at the first card drawn or whatever. You can do this with the Undo & Redo buttons, but it might be fun to, when you hit the Draw Secondary button, have the card-currently-displayed-at-the-center-of-the-screen shrink down and display somewhere else on the screen. (If you hit Draw Secondary three times, then you'd have the most recently drawn card displayed at the center--just as it works now--and three little versions of the other cards you'd drawn, and clicking on them would make them replace the one displayed at full size in the center.)

Then, when you hit the primary Draw card, all the previous turn's cards would disappear into the discard pile.