kukido / eclipser

Eclipser is an IntelliJ plugin. It converts Eclipse launch configurations into IntelliJ IDEA run configurations.
Apache License 2.0
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Conversion to maven launcher ignores all M2_ settings except M2_GOALS when converting eclipse launch file #33

Open mitcoding opened 4 years ago

mitcoding commented 4 years ago

For example I would expect

<listAttribute key="M2_PROPERTIES">
    <listEntry value="environment.profiles.active=local" />
<booleanAttribute key="M2_SKIP_TESTS" value="true" />

to be converted to:

<option name="mavenProperties">
        <entry key="environment.profiles.active" value="local" />
<option name="skipTests" value="true" />

Instead nothing is converted and I have to manually re-set the values on the created maven launcher.