kul-optec / superscs

Fast conic optimization in C
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Installation error on Windows #30

Open christiernrose opened 5 years ago

christiernrose commented 5 years ago

On running 'make_scs', I obtain the following warnings and errors:

Warning: Escaped character '\U' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\U' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
In compile_direct (line 51)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Error using mex
C:\Users\crose\Documents\scs-master\scs-master\matlab\amd_order not found; check that you are in the correct current
folder, and check the spelling of 'C:\Users\crose\Documents\scs-master\scs-master\matlab\amd_order'.

Error in compile_direct (line 54)

Error in make_scs (line 105)
compile_direct(flags, common_scs);
alphaville commented 5 years ago

The error seems to be that make_scs tries to find amd_order in the current folder.

Have you run make in the terminal (command line) before running make_scs in MATLAB?

I don't use Windows, so I haven't tested properly. I've only tried it on Appveyor.

I'm not sure what these warnings mean. Can you please remove the semicolon at the end of line 53 in scs_direct.m and let me know what it prints?

Mark-L-Stone commented 5 years ago

Configuration: Windows 7 Service Pack 1 with MATLAB R2017b

MEX configured to use 'Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 (C)' for C language compilation.

SuperSCS 1.3.2 was unzipped into C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2

The sprintf statements in compile_direct.m didn't work correctly and produced Warning messages. I manually fixed up the cmd and paths for include statements, then got to the point of fatal error messages compiling linAlg.c.

Question: For use in MATLAB, is it supposed to be sufficient to run make_scs, or does make need to be run (with Makefile ?) at command line before make_scs ?

Here are the Warning and error messages:

sprintf Warnings running compile_direct.m

Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 40)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 48)
  In make_scs (line 105) 
Warning: Escaped character '\s' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for supported special characters. 
> In compile_direct (line 51)
  In make_scs (line 105) 

Here is cmd after line 53 of compile_direct.m

cmd =

    'mex -O -largeArrayDims -DNOBLASSUFFIX -DSVD_ACTIVATED -DSILENCE_AMATRIX_WARNING -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE -DLAPACK_LIB_FOUND -DCTRLC=1 -DCOPYAMATRIX  -DDLONG -IC: C:amd_order C: C:amd_dump C: C:amd_postorder C: C:amd_post_tree C: C:amd_aat C: C:amd_2 C: C:amd_1 C: C:amd_defaults C: C:amd_control C: C:amd_info C: C:amd_valid C: C:amd_global C: C:amd_preprocess C: C:C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\matlab\get_scs_rootdir.m\src\linAlg.c C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\matlab\get_scs_rootdir.m\src\cones.c C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\matlab\get_scs_rootdir.m\src\cs.c C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\matlab\get_scs_rootdir.m\src\util.c C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\matlab\get_scs_rootdir.m\src\scs.c C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\matlab\get_scs_rootdir.m\src\ctrlc.c C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\matlab\get_scs_rootdir.m\src\directions.c C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\matlab\get_scs_rootdir.m\linsys\common.c C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\matlab\get_scs_rootdir.m\src\scs_version.c C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\matlab\get_scs_rootdir.m\matlab\scs_mex.c C:-lut C: C:-lmwblas -lmwlapack C:'

Here are error message when linAlg.c was compiled from the above mex command (after paths were fixed)

Error using mex
C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\src\linAlg.c(38): error: expected an identifier
  extern blasint SCS_IAMAX(
C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\src\linAlg.c(39): error: function returning function is not allowed
          const blasint *n,
C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\src\linAlg.c(86): error: function returning function is not allowed
          const char* trans,
C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\src\linAlg.c(99): error: function returning function is not allowed
          const blasint* m,
C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\src\linAlg.c(693): error: identifier "i" is undefined
      blasint idx_max = scs_iamax_(&len_, a, &one);
C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\src\linAlg.c(693): error: identifier "damax" is undefined
      blasint idx_max = scs_iamax_(&len_, a, &one);
C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\src\linAlg.c(693): error: expected an expression
      blasint idx_max = scs_iamax_(&len_, a, &one);
C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\src\linAlg.c(969): error: identifier "gels" is undefined
      scs_gels_((char *) "No transpose", &m_, &n_, &nrhs, 0, &lda, 0, &ldb, &wkopt, &lwork,
C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\src\linAlg.c(989): error: identifier "gels" is undefined
      scs_gels_("No transpose", &m_, &n_, &nrhs, A, &lda, b, &ldb, wspace, &wsize_, &status);
C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\src\linAlg.c(1011): error: identifier "gelss" is undefined
      scs_dgelss_(&m_, &n_, &nrhs, 0, &m_, 0, &m_,
C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\src\linAlg.c(1036): error: identifier "gelss" is undefined
      scs_dgelss_(&m_, &n_, &nrhs, A, &m_, b, &m_,

compilation aborted for C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2\src\linAlg.c (code 2)
alphaville commented 5 years ago

Question: For use in MATLAB, is it supposed to be sufficient to run make_scs, or does make need to be run (with Makefile ?) at command line before make_scs ?

Before you call make_scs you need to compile SuperSCS. Can you compile SuperSCS first using the Makefile (on Linux, for example, you just need to type make in the command line)?

Mark-L-Stone commented 5 years ago

I did try using make prior to my post. I tried again. here is what I get

C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2>make
mkdir -p out/obj
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
make: *** [Makefile:126: make_dir] Error 1

Maybe the Windows mkdir doesn't work the same as Linux/Unix mkdir ? It seems -p should be eliminated. Getting rid of the -p in all mkdir commands in Makefile, and changing all/to \in Makefile, the directory out\obj gets created, but get error

C:\scs-master_Super SCS_1.3.2>make
mkdir  out\obj
make: *** No rule to make target 'out\obj\directions.o', needed by 'out\libscsdi
r.a'.  Stop.

I am using the make from chocolatey at https://chocolatey.org/install#installing-chocolatey , Then choco install make . I suppose things would have worked out better if I had kept my Linux installation alive, but decided a few years ago it wasn't worth the hassle.

Perhaps you could get an undergraduate to spend an hour or two to produce a version of Makefileand make_scs which work well under Windows?

Mark-L-Stone commented 5 years ago

Or possibly just produce a ready to go mex file for MATLAB under WINDOWS, eliminating the requirement for the end user to make anything?

omart-59 commented 4 years ago

I cannot run super scs on Matlab using Windows as I encounter the problems reported in this post. Did meanwhile someone find a solution?