kultdesk / website

The website of the KultDesk Cultural Foundation (in progress)
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Adjust basic responsivity #5

Open gammaw opened 1 year ago

gammaw commented 1 year ago

On mobile:

gammaw commented 1 year ago

For picture size issues VW (viewport width) scaling seems to work:


Note: since mobiles are "tall" and desktop monitors are "wide" (the opposite layout), above approach cannot be adjusted so that it's optimal on both displays (either it's too big on one and too small on the other, or the other way around) -> a real responsive solution will be necessary (where the CSS setting depends on the display).

gammaw commented 1 year ago

For issue 3: in the page code (CMS not theme), the bottom margin can be simply set to 0 (which will overwrite and WordPress-computed value).

For issue 4: the margin bottom setting can be reduced in the post (single) template.

gammaw commented 1 year ago

For issue 5 (nativagor links): use row block instead of columns.