kulya / jmeter-gradle-plugin

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Support for jmeter 2.11, 2.12, 2.13 #39

Closed foragerr closed 9 years ago

foragerr commented 9 years ago

Closes kulya/jmeter-gradle-plugin#36 Closes kulya/jmeter-gradle-plugin#40

kulya commented 9 years ago

Versions 1.3.3-2.xx released to maven central repositories. It will take few hours to propagate them to maven central. If you need it sooner, please specify additional maven repo in your build.gradle "https://oss.sonatype.org/content/groups/public"

foragerr commented 9 years ago

Thanks @kulya That was quick!

foragerr commented 9 years ago

@kulya I just checked the binaries at oss.sonatype, looks the transitive dependency excludes didn't go into the pom files. Created issue #41

djangofan commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I have trouble starting it as version 2.13. Cant find commons-math3 and commons-pool2 . When it try to start as 2.12, the error is different: Could not find d-haven-managed-pool:d-haven-managed-pool:1.0

To reproduce my error, try to run the startJmeterWithGradle.bat script in my launch-jmeter repo: https://github.com/djangofan/launch-jmeter . Here is my build.gradle : https://github.com/djangofan/launch-jmeter/blob/master/build.gradle

foragerr commented 9 years ago

fixed in #42

djangofan commented 9 years ago

After great difficulty, I finally got Gradle to load Jmeter 2.13 (with help from your changes) and I was also able to get all the jmeter-plugins to load , as well as groovy-all, opencsv, guava, commons-lang3 . Here is my build script: https://github.com/djangofan/launch-jmeter/blob/master/build.gradle My method of getting it to work is probably a hack but it should demonstrate what is possible. Now you can add a JSR223 Groovy sampler, among many other things.

foragerr commented 9 years ago

@djangofan let's move this conversation here: https://github.com/djangofan/launch-jmeter/issues/1