kulya / jmeter-gradle-plugin

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Plugin is not passing "-D" args from Gradle to the JVM running Jmeter? #55

Open djangofan opened 9 years ago

djangofan commented 9 years ago

What appears to me happening for me is that the jmeter-gradle-plugin is not passing "-D" args that were passed to Gradle on the command line to the JVM running Jmeter. I believe this should work since the 'maven-jmeter-plugin' has this behavior. It appears that this jmeter-gradle-plugin is somehow filtering out the args? I created an example project which I think demonstrates this problem.


In this project I run with this command: gradlew.bat printBuildScriptClasspath jmeterCleanReport jmeterRun -Penv=dev -DuserThreads=2 -DrampupSeconds=10 -DthreadLoops=1 -DtestInt=999 -DtestString=BlahBlah

And I am expecting to look at the report and see a 'testInt' value of '999' but if you run this project yourself, you will see that the system property does not seem to pass through to Jmeter at all and it assumes a default value instead.

If the intention was to only allow '-P' args and then forward them to the Jmeter process via the 'jmeterUserProperties' argument, I could accept that but I DO NOT know the format of what the key-val args need to look like when passed as 'jmeterUserProperties' .

foragerr commented 9 years ago

Can you try -J as well please?

ref: http://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/get-started.html#override

djangofan commented 9 years ago

Yes, I tried it. Gradle complains that "-J" is not a valid argument format. So, it needs to be in the form of "-D" arg evidently, from the point of view of Gradle (not Jmeter of course).

foragerr commented 9 years ago

From a quick look, it seems like a very small subset of system properties are picked up explicitly. That might need to change to pick up all system properties.

specs.getSystemProperties().put("search_paths", System.getProperty("search_paths"));
specs.getSystemProperties().put("saveservice_properties", System.getProperty("saveservice_properties"));
specs.getSystemProperties().put("upgrade_properties", System.getProperty("upgrade_properties"));
specs.getSystemProperties().put("log_file", System.getProperty("log_file"));

From here

As a possible workaround, what happens if you add the following text to the file specified in jmeterUserProperties?

djangofan commented 9 years ago

Yes, adding the props to a properties file does work but I didn't say that was a problem. I need to parameterize these tests from Jenkins, which requires system properties, preferrably passed as "-D" args. I'll have to keep using Maven until I figure this out. If I knew what format that env key-val pairs could be passed to 'jmeterUserProperties' then that would be a good workaround (by passing a -P arg and then have Gradle set the jmeterUserProperties variable) but the documentation on that is non-existent and my best guesses didn't work. Also, I couldn't find where the code even reads in that value, as if it were not ever implemented?

foragerr commented 9 years ago

I think I get what you're asking now - also saw your wiki edit. Sorry, I'm a bit slow today. The relevant code is here:

protected void initUserProperties(List<String> jmeterArgs) {
    if (jmeterUserProperties != null) {
        jmeterUserProperties.each {property -> jmeterArgs.add("-J" + property)}


looks like it expects a List of strings, which are then added as -JstringHere. So I would try adding:

jmeterUserProperties= ["userThreads=2", 
djangofan commented 9 years ago

Thanks "foragerr". That worked as a great workaround. I'll update my Git project. It works now. I can't pass "-D" args but I sure can parse "-P" args and then set them on the 'jmeterUserProperties' variable.

For example: jmeterUserProperties << "userThreads=" + project.property('userThreads')

foragerr commented 9 years ago

Happy that works, but that is one ugly workaround. Definitely need to pick up all -D arguments and pass them to the jmeter execute call. Will take a look at this.

djangofan commented 9 years ago

Yes, it's critical to get all the "-D" args because if you use Jenkins and if you want to parameterize the job, then using -P wont work. Parameterized builds pass only "-D" args.

lourish commented 8 years ago

Did anything happen with this? I've got to pass JVM parameters to jmeter (to set up a keystore) and I see no way to pass them either by -D or in gradle

foragerr commented 8 years ago

Hi @lourish I maintain a fork of this project over here. If you're willing to use that plugin, I'm happy to help you out over there. Please raise a new issue for that project.

If you prefer to use this version of the plugin, does the workaround posted above not work for you?

lourish commented 8 years ago

Thanks foragerr, this workaround allows you to set jmeter properties but I need to pass properties to the underlying JVM (see http://jmeter.apache.org/usermanual/component_reference.html#Keystore_Configuration). I'm happy to use the other plugin and will raise an issue. Is this kulya plugin dead?