Hello. I am requesting that the commands allowed between two tied notes be increased to aid the creation of dynamic music. While a great deal can be accomplished with the command arpeggios and the like there are some things I'd like to be able to do dynamically with notes of any length, like changing the duty cycle or the applied arpeggios. I believe the majority of sound altering commands should be allowed here, including but not limited to changes of volume, pan, tone, applied arpeggios and LFOs, and direct register writes. I would understand if the LFO definition could not be included in this command but I think the switches at least should. It would be nice to be able to change the applied envelopes but I am unsure how that would behave in regards to switching envelopes that have different values at the switch point. Similarly I am not sure how many WF/PCM chips would let you change the sample they're playing on the fly like you can change a duty cycle.
こんにちは。 ダイナミックな音楽を作るために、結ばれた2つの音符の間に許されるコマンドを増やしてほしいと思います。 コマンド・アルペジオなどでかなりのことができますが、任意の長さの音符で動的にできるようにしたいことがあります。 ここでは、ボリューム、パン、トーンの変更、アルペジオやLFOの適用、レジスタの直接書き込みなど、サウンドを変更するコマンドの大半が許可されるべきだと思います。 LFOの定義がこのコマンドに含まれていないのは理解できますが、少なくともスイッチは含まれているべきだと思います。 適用するエンベロープを変更できるといいのですが、切り替えポイントで値が異なるエンベロープの切り替えに関して、どのような挙動になるのかがわかりません。 同様に、WF/PCMチップの中で、デューティサイクルを変更できるように、再生しているサンプルをその場で変更できるものがどれだけあるかはわかりません。
Hello. I am requesting that the commands allowed between two tied notes be increased to aid the creation of dynamic music. While a great deal can be accomplished with the command arpeggios and the like there are some things I'd like to be able to do dynamically with notes of any length, like changing the duty cycle or the applied arpeggios. I believe the majority of sound altering commands should be allowed here, including but not limited to changes of volume, pan, tone, applied arpeggios and LFOs, and direct register writes. I would understand if the LFO definition could not be included in this command but I think the switches at least should. It would be nice to be able to change the applied envelopes but I am unsure how that would behave in regards to switching envelopes that have different values at the switch point. Similarly I am not sure how many WF/PCM chips would let you change the sample they're playing on the fly like you can change a duty cycle.