kumahq / kuma

🐻 The multi-zone service mesh for containers, Kubernetes and VMs. Built with Envoy. CNCF Sandbox Project.
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DAPR doen't work under Kong Mesh #6010

Closed YuryZevakin closed 1 year ago

YuryZevakin commented 1 year ago

What happened?

Hello guy, we have installed Kong Mesh on our EKS cluster and we have an application that is using DAPR 1.8.4.

DataplaneOverview NAME imr-dev.notification-imr-notification-7fdf4844f9-rvvgg.im-dev-1.default MESH default STATUS Offline Inbound on port 3500 is not ready (kuma.io/service: imr-notification-dapr_im-dev-1_svc_80) Inbound on port 50001 is not ready (kuma.io/service: imr-notification-dapr_im-dev-1_svc_50001) Inbound on port 50002 is not ready (kuma.io/service: imr-notification-dapr_im-dev-1_svc_50002) Inbound on port 9090 is not ready (kuma.io/service: imr-notification-dapr_im-dev-1_svc_9090) Inbound on port 80 is not ready (kuma.io/service: notification-imr-notification_im-dev-1_svc_80)

Would you please advise us on what needs to be done to push Kong Mesh and DAPR into work? Now we see that Kong Mesh blocks some traffic and Dapr sidecar is not able to BE started. Please share some details on how to deal with it.

Thank you in advance.

Yury Zevakin

jakubdyszkiewicz commented 1 year ago

Triage: Hey, we could use more information. Could you provide

  • Deployment / service definition / minimal client+server example?
  • Logs from both kuma-cp and kuma-dp/dapr sidecar next to client and server.
slonka commented 1 year ago

hi @YuryZevakin did you find time to provide the information outlined by Jakub ☝️ ?

slonka commented 1 year ago

hi @YuryZevakin - any updates?

lahabana commented 1 year ago

Please reopen if any interest here