Flakes is an Admin Template Framework. A combination of CSS Libraries, JavaScript Libraries and Design files that help you build business tools very quickly.
bower not-cached git://github.com/kumailht/flakes.git#0.0.1
bower resolve git://github.com/kumailht/flakes.git#0.0.1
bower not-cached git://github.com/kumailht/flakes.git#
bower resolve git://github.com/kumailht/flakes.git#
bower download https://github.com/kumailht/flakes/archive/1.0.0.tar.gz
bower extract flakes#* archive.tar.gz
bower mismatch Version declared in the json (0.0.1) is different than the resolved one (1.0.0)
bower resolved git://github.com/kumailht/flakes.git#1.0.0
bower ENORESTARGET No tag found that was able to satisfy 0.0.1
Additional error details:
Available versions: 1.0.0
The release right now is 1.0.0 but the bower.json is still 0.0.1.
bower not-cached git://github.com/kumailht/flakes.git#0.0.1 bower resolve git://github.com/kumailht/flakes.git#0.0.1 bower not-cached git://github.com/kumailht/flakes.git# bower resolve git://github.com/kumailht/flakes.git# bower download https://github.com/kumailht/flakes/archive/1.0.0.tar.gz bower extract flakes#* archive.tar.gz bower mismatch Version declared in the json (0.0.1) is different than the resolved one (1.0.0) bower resolved git://github.com/kumailht/flakes.git#1.0.0 bower ENORESTARGET No tag found that was able to satisfy 0.0.1
Additional error details: Available versions: 1.0.0
The release right now is 1.0.0 but the bower.json is still 0.0.1.