Should be possible to open a new trade using the gui.
[x] Create menu item 'New trade' in the gui
[x] Display a add/edit Trade form (as a pop-up) with all relevant fields + Ok, Cancel buttons.
When ok is pushed:
[x] Send the trade request and update the gui when it's done, all async
[x] Send trade request to oanda
[x] If success -> Add trade to depots collection of open trades.
[x] Make sure the trades gui component is registered as listener for trade events (should be possible to listen on trade events for a specific userid/depotid/tradeid
[x] Update the gui when a response from oanda is received (if the trade was opened then show it in the list of trades. If not, we need to display it somewhere...
[x] Update the db record for the trade with the info from oanda.
Should be possible to open a new trade using the gui.
When ok is pushed: