kunal-kushwaha / DSA-Bootcamp-Java

This repository consists of the code samples, assignments, and notes for the Java data structures & algorithms + interview preparation bootcamp of WeMakeDevs.
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# Progress Tracker #897

Open ShoaibKakal opened 1 year ago

ShoaibKakal commented 1 year ago

Progress Tracker


  • [ ] Complete Git & GitHub Course
  • [ ] Introduction to Programming

      • [ ] Types of languages
      • [ ] Memory management
  • [ ] Flow of the program

      • [ ] Flowcharts
      • [ ] Pseudocode
  • [ ] Introduction to Java

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] How it works
      • [ ] Setup Installation
      • [ ] Input and Output in Java
      • [ ] Conditionals & Loops in Java
      • [ ] if else
      • [ ] loops
      • [ ] Switch statements
      • [ ] Data types
      • [ ] Coding best practices
  • [ ] Functions

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] Scoping in Java
      • [ ] Shadowing
      • [ ] Variable Length Arguments
      • [ ] Overloading
  • [ ] Arrays

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] Memory management
      • [ ] Input and Output
      • [ ] ArrayList Introduction
      • [ ] Sorting
      • [ ] Insertion Sort
      • [ ] Selection Sort
      • [ ] Bubble Sort
      • [ ] Cyclic Sort (Merge sort etc after recursion)
    • [ ] Searching

      • [ ] Linear Search
      • [ ] Binary Search
      • [ ] Modified Binary Search
      • [ ] Binary Search Interview questions
      • [ ] Binary Search on 2D Arrays
  • [ ] Pattern questions
  • [ ] Strings

    • [ ] Introduction
    • [ ] How Strings work
    • [ ] Comparison of methods
    • [ ] Operations in Strings
    • [ ] StringBuilder in java
  • [ ] Maths for DSA

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] Complete Bitwise Operators
      • [ ] Prime numbers
      • [ ] HCF / LCM
      • [ ] Sieve of Eratosthenes
      • [ ] Newton's Square Root Method
      • [ ] Number Theory
      • [ ] Euclidean algorithm
  • [ ] Space and Time Complexity Analysis

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] Comparion of various cases
      • [ ] Solving Linear Recurrence Relations
      • [ ] Solving Divide and Conquer Recurrence Relations
      • [ ] Big-O, Big-Omega, Big-Theta Notations
      • [ ] Get equation of any relation easily - best and easiest approach
      • [ ] Complexity discussion of all the problems we do
      • [ ] Space Complexity
      • [ ] Memory Allocation of various languages
      • [ ] NP Completeness and Hardness
  • [ ] Recursion

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] Why recursion?
      • [ ] Flow of recursive programs - stacks
      • [ ] Convert recursion to iteration
      • [ ] Tree building of function calls
      • [ ] Tail recursion
      • [ ] Sorting:

        • [ ] Merge Sort
        • [ ] Quick Sort
      • [ ] Backtracking

        • [ ] Sudoku Solver
        • [ ] N-Queens
        • [ ] N-Knights
        • [ ] Maze problems
      • [ ] Recursion String Problems
      • [ ] Recursion Array Problems
      • [ ] Recursion Pattern Problems
      • [ ] Subset Questions
      • [ ] Recursion - Permutations, Dice Throws etc Questions
  • [ ] Object Oriented Programming

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] Classes & its instances
      • [ ] this keyword in Java
      • [ ] Properties

        • [ ] Inheritance
        • [ ] Abstraction
        • [ ] Polymorphism
        • [ ] Encapsulation
      • [ ] Overloading & Overriding
      • [ ] Static & Non-Static
      • [ ] Access Control
      • [ ] Interfaces
      • [ ] Abstract Classes
      • [ ] Singleton Class
      • [ ] final, finalize, finally
      • [ ] Exception Handling
  • [ ] Linked List

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] Singly and Doubly Linked List
      • [ ] Circular Linked List
      • [ ] Fast and slow pointer
      • [ ] Cycle Detection
      • [ ] Reversing of LinekdList
      • [ ] Linked List Interview questions
  • [ ] Stacks & Queues

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] Interview problems
      • [ ] Push efficient
      • [ ] Pop efficient
      • [ ] Queue using Stack and Vice versa
      • [ ] Circular Queue
  • [ ] Dynamic Programming

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] Recursion + Recursion DP + Iteration + Iteration Space Optimized
      • [ ] Complexity Analysis
      • [ ] 0/1 Knapsack
      • [ ] Subset Questions
      • [ ] Unbounded Knapsack
      • [ ] Subseq questions
      • [ ] String DP
  • [ ] Trees

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] Binary Trees
      • [ ] Binary Search Trees
      • [ ] DFS
      • [ ] BFS
      • [ ] AVL Trees
      • [ ] Segment Tree
      • [ ] Fenwick Tree / Binary Indexed Tree
  • [ ] Heaps

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] Theory
      • [ ] Priority Queue
      • [ ] Two Heaps Method
      • [ ] k-way merge
      • [ ] top k elements
      • [ ] interval problems
  • [ ] Hashmaps

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] Theory - how it works
      • [ ] Comparisons of various forms
      • [ ] Limitations and how to solve
      • [ ] Map using LinkedList
      • [ ] Map using Hash
      • [ ] Chaining
      • [ ] Probing
      • [ ] Huffman-Encoder
  • [ ] Tries
  • [ ] Graphs

      • [ ] Introduction
      • [ ] BFS
      • [ ] DFS
      • [ ] Working with graph components
      • [ ] Minimum Spanning Trees
      • [ ] Kruskal Algorithm
      • [ ] Prims Algorithm
      • [ ] Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm
      • [ ] Topological Sort
      • [ ] Bellman ford
      • [ ] A* pathfinding Algorithm
  • [ ] Greedy Algorithms

Advanced concepts apart from interviews

  • [ ] Fast IO
  • [ ] File handling
  • [ ] Bitwise + DP
  • [ ] Extended Euclidean algorithm
  • [ ] Modulo Multiplicative Inverse
  • [ ] Linear Diophantine Equations
  • [ ] Matrix Exponentiation
  • [ ] Mathematical Expectation
  • [ ] Catalan Numbers
  • [ ] Fermat’s Theorem
  • [ ] Wilson's Theorem
  • [ ] Euler's Theorem
  • [ ] Lucas Theorem
  • [ ] Chinese Remainder Theorem
  • [ ] Euler Totient
  • [ ] NP-Completeness
  • [ ] Multithreading
  • [ ] Fenwick Tree / Binary Indexed Tree
  • [ ] Square Root Decomposition