kundajelab / atac_dnase_pipelines

ATAC-seq and DNase-seq processing pipeline
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
161 stars 81 forks source link

Error in if ((crosscorr$rel.phantom.coeff >= 0) & (crosscorr$rel.phantom.coeff < : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed #49

Closed jfertaj closed 7 years ago

jfertaj commented 7 years ago


I have been running a few ATAQ files through your pipeline and all of them have run with no errors but one sample with 2 technical replicates, here is the command i have used

bds_scr D24 atac.bds -species hg19 -nth 25 -no_par -out_dir D24_noENCODE -title D24_noENCODE -fastq1_1 /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/WTCHG_367049_13_1.fastq.gz -fastq1_2 /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/WTCHG_367049_13_2.fastq.gz -fastq2_1 /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/WTCHG_367049_14_1.fastq.gz -fastq2_2 /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/WTCHG_367049_14_2.fastq.gz

The program runs until the QC step when I got the following error:

Error in if ((crosscorr$rel.phantom.coeff >= 0) & (crosscorr$rel.phantom.coeff < : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

Fatal error: atac.bds, line 941, pos 4. Task/s failed.

Creating checkpoint file: Config or command line option disabled checkpoint file creation, nothing done.

Any ideas?

leepc12 commented 7 years ago

Can you post a full error log here? This error happened in the cross correlation QC step. While we are looking at it, you can disable it with -no_xcor.

jfertaj commented 7 years ago

Here is the full log, let me know if you need it by email or another method, thanks a lot

[DATE] : Sun Apr 30 10:06:21 BST 2017
[HOST] : dhcp210.well.ox.ac.uk
[BDS_PARAM] :  atac.bds -species hg19 -nth 25 -no_par -no_idr -out_dir D24_noENCODE -title D24_noENCODE -fastq1_1 /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/WTCHG_367049_13_1.fastq.gz -fastq1_2 /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/WTCHG_367049_13_2.fastq.gz -fastq2_1 /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/WTCHG_367049_14_1.fastq.gz -fastq2_2 /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/WTCHG_367049_14_2.fastq.gz

== git info
Latest git commit       : 037cf436c4088d119a580e63c46eacde89d16433 (Wed Apr 26 20:08:12 2017)
    Reading parameters from section (default) in file(/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/default.env)...

== configuration file info
Hostname            : dhcp210.well.ox.ac.uk
Configuration file      : 
Environment file        : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/default.env

== parallelization info
No parallel jobs        : true
Maximum # threads       : 25

== cluster/system info
Walltime (general)      : 5h50m
Max. memory (general)       : 7G
Force to use a system       : local
Process priority (niceness) : 0
Retiral for failed tasks    : 0
Submit tasks to a cluster queue : 
Unlimited cluster mem./walltime : false

Info: Environments module not found on your system (e.g. /etc/profile.d/modules.sh). Ignoring shell env. parameters like '-mod'. 

== shell environment info
Conda env.          : bds_atac
Conda env. for python3      : bds_atac_py3
Conda bin. directory        : 

Shell cmd. for init.        : if [[ -f $(which conda) && $(conda env list | grep bds_atac | wc -l) != "0" ]]; then source activate bds_atac; sleep 5; fi;  export PATH=/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/.:/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/modules:/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/utils:${PATH}:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:${HOME}/.bds; set -o pipefail; STARTTIME=$(date +%s)

Shell cmd. for init.(py3)   : if [[ -f $(which conda) && $(conda env list | grep bds_atac_py3 | wc -l) != "0" ]]; then source activate bds_atac_py3; sleep 5; fi;  export PATH=/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/.:/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/modules:/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/utils:${PATH}:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:${HOME}/.bds; set -o pipefail; STARTTIME=$(date +%s)

Shell cmd. for fin.     : TASKTIME=$[$(date +%s)-${STARTTIME}]; echo "Task has finished (${TASKTIME} seconds)."

== output directory/title info
Output dir.         : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE
Title (prefix)          : D24_noENCODE
    Reading parameters from section (default) in file(/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/default.env)...
    Reading parameters from section (hg19) in file(/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/bds_atac_species.conf)...

== species settings
Species             : hg19
Species file            : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/bds_atac_species.conf

Species name (WashU browser)    : hg19
Ref. genome seq. fasta      : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/hg19/male.hg19.fa
Chr. sizes file         : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/hg19/hg19.chrom.sizes
Black list bed          : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/hg19/wgEncodeDacMapabilityConsensusExcludable.bed.gz

== ENCODE accession settings
ENCODE experiment accession : 
ENCODE award RFA            : 
ENCODE assay category       : 
ENCODE assay title      : 
ENCODE award                : 
ENCODE lab              : 
ENCODE assembly genome      : 
ENCODE alias prefix     : KLAB_PIPELINE

== report settings
URL root for output directory   : 
Genome coord. for browser tracks    : 

== align multimapping settings
# alignments reported for multimapping  : 0

== align bowtie2 settings
Bowtie2 index           : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/hg19/bowtie2_index/male.hg19.fa
Walltime (bowtie2)      : 47h
Max. memory (bowtie2)       : 12G

== adapter trimmer settings
Maximum allowed error rate for cutadapt : 0.10
Minimum trim. length for cutadapt -m    : 5
Walltime (adapter trimming)     : 23h
Max. memory (adapter trimming)      : 12G

== postalign bam settings
MAPQ reads rm thresh.       : 30
Rm. tag reads with str.     : 
No dupe removal in filtering raw bam    : false
Walltime (bam filter)       : 23h
Max. memory (bam filter)    : 12G
Dup marker              : picard
Use sambamba markdup (instead of picard)    : false

== postalign bed/tagalign settings
Max. memory for UNIX shuf           : 12G

== postalign cross-corr. analysis settings
Max. memory for UNIX shuf           : 12G
User-defined cross-corr. peak strandshift   : -1
Extra parameters for cross-corr. analysis   : 

== callpeak macs2 settings
Genome size (hs,mm)     : hs
Walltime (macs2)        : 23h
Max. memory (macs2)     : 15G

== callpeak naiver overlap settings
Bedtools intersect -nonamecheck : false

== callpeak etc settings
# of top peaks to pick up in peak files : 500000

== IDR settings
Append IDR threshold to IDR out_dir : false

== ATAQC settings
TSS enrichment bed      : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/hg19/ataqc/hg19_gencode_tss_unique.bed.gz
DNase bed for ataqc     : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/hg19/ataqc/reg2map_honeybadger2_dnase_all_p10_ucsc.bed.gz
Promoter bed for ataqc      : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/hg19/ataqc/reg2map_honeybadger2_dnase_prom_p2.bed.gz
Enhancer bed for ataqc      : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/hg19/ataqc/reg2map_honeybadger2_dnase_enh_p2.bed.gz
Reg2map for ataqc           : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/hg19/ataqc/dnase_avgs_reg2map_p10_merged_named.pvals.gz
Reg2map_bed for ataqc       : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/hg19/ataqc/reg2map_honeybadger2_dnase_all_p10_ucsc.bed.gz
Roadmap metadata for ataqc  : /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/data/bds_pipeline_genome_data/hg19/ataqc/eid_to_mnemonic.txt
Max. memory for ATAQC           : 15G
Walltime for ATAQC          : 47h

== atac pipeline settings
Type of pipeline            : atac-seq
Fastqs are trimmed?         : false
Align only              : false
# reads to subsample replicates (0 if no subsampling)   : 0
# reads to subsample for cross-corr. analysis   : 25000000
No pseudo replicates            : false
No IDR analysis on peaks        : true
No ATAQC (advanced QC report)       : false
No Cross-corr. analysis         : false
Use CSEM for alignment          : false
Smoothing window for MACS2      : 150
DNase Seq               : false
IDR threshold               : 0.1
Use old trim adapters           : false
Force to use ENCODE3 parameter set  : false
Force to use ENCODE parameter set   : false

== checking atac parameters ...

Checking parameters and data files for ATAQC. 

== checking adapters to be trimmed ...
Replicate 1 adapters : automatically detected
Replicate 2 adapters : automatically detected

== checking input files ...

Rep1 fastq (PE) :
Rep2 fastq (PE) :
Distributing 25 to ... 
{1=14, 2=11}

Detected adapter for rep1 (PE) : CTGTCTCTTATA, CTGTCTCTTATA
discarding /opt/miniconda3/bin from PATH
prepending /opt/miniconda3/envs/bds_atac/bin to PATH
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
ChIP data: /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign.gz 
Control data: NA 
strandshift(min): -500 
strandshift(step): 5 
strandshift(max) 1500 
user-defined peak shift NA 
exclusion(min): 10 
exclusion(max): NaN 
num parallel nodes: 14 
FDR threshold: 0.01 
NumPeaks Threshold: NA 
Output Directory: /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1 
narrowPeak output file name: NA 
regionPeak output file name: NA 
Rdata filename: NA 
plot pdf filename: /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/qc/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.cc.plot.pdf 
result filename: /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/qc/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.cc.qc 
Overwrite files?: TRUE

Decompressing ChIP file
Loading required package: caTools
Reading ChIP tagAlign/BAM file /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign.gz 
opened /tmp/user/1001/RtmpdankZ2/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign398a36f07e82
00:01:16.852    ExecutionerLocal 'Local[41]': Tasks [Local[41]]     Pending: 0  Running: 1  Done: 0 Failed: 0
        | PID   | Task state        | Task name | Dependencies | Task definition                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | 
        | ----- | ----------------- | --------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 
        | 14662 | running (RUNNING) | xcor rep1 |              | if [[ $(which run_spp_nodups.R 2> /dev/null | wc -l || echo) == "1" ]]; then RUN_SPP=$(which run_spp_nodups.R);; else RUN_SPP=$(which run_spp.R);; fi; Rscript ${RUN_SPP} -rf; -c=/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign. | 

done. read 19293694 fragments
ChIP data read length 75 
[1] TRUE
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
  'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
  'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
Calculating peak characteristics
00:02:17.869    ExecutionerLocal 'Local[41]': Tasks [Local[41]]     Pending: 0  Running: 1  Done: 0 Failed: 0
        | PID   | Task state        | Task name | Dependencies | Task definition                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | 
        | ----- | ----------------- | --------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 
        | 14662 | running (RUNNING) | xcor rep1 |              | if [[ $(which run_spp_nodups.R 2> /dev/null | wc -l || echo) == "1" ]]; then RUN_SPP=$(which run_spp_nodups.R);; else RUN_SPP=$(which run_spp.R);; fi; Rscript ${RUN_SPP} -rf; -c=/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign. | 

00:03:18.885    ExecutionerLocal 'Local[41]': Tasks [Local[41]]     Pending: 0  Running: 1  Done: 0 Failed: 0
        | PID   | Task state        | Task name | Dependencies | Task definition                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | 
        | ----- | ----------------- | --------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 
        | 14662 | running (RUNNING) | xcor rep1 |              | if [[ $(which run_spp_nodups.R 2> /dev/null | wc -l || echo) == "1" ]]; then RUN_SPP=$(which run_spp_nodups.R);; else RUN_SPP=$(which run_spp.R);; fi; Rscript ${RUN_SPP} -rf; -c=/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign. | 

00:04:19.898    ExecutionerLocal 'Local[41]': Tasks [Local[41]]     Pending: 0  Running: 1  Done: 0 Failed: 0
        | PID   | Task state        | Task name | Dependencies | Task definition                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | 
        | ----- | ----------------- | --------- | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | 
        | 14662 | running (RUNNING) | xcor rep1 |              | if [[ $(which run_spp_nodups.R 2> /dev/null | wc -l || echo) == "1" ]]; then RUN_SPP=$(which run_spp_nodups.R);; else RUN_SPP=$(which run_spp.R);; fi; Rscript ${RUN_SPP} -rf; -c=/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign. | 

Error in if ((crosscorr$rel.phantom.coeff >= 0) & (crosscorr$rel.phantom.coeff <  : 
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Execution halted
Minimum cross-correlation value 0.1155747 
Minimum cross-correlation shift 1500 
Top 3 cross-correlation values NA 
Top 3 estimates for fragment length NA 
Window half size NA 
Phantom peak location 65 
Phantom peak Correlation 0.4245396 
Normalized Strand cross-correlation coefficient (NSC) NA 
Relative Strand cross-correlation Coefficient (RSC) NA 
Task failed:
    Program & line     : 'modules/postalign_xcor.bds', line 121
    Task Name          : 'xcor rep1'
    Task ID            : 'atac.bds.20170430_100625_726/task.postalign_xcor.xcor_rep1.line_121.id_10'
    Task PID           : '14662'
    Task hint          : 'if [[ $(which run_spp_nodups.R 2> /dev/null | wc -l || echo) == "1" ]]; then RUN_SPP=$(which run_spp_nodups.R);; else RUN_SPP=$(which run_spp.R);; fi; Rscript ${RUN_SPP} -rf; -c=/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign.'
    Task resources     : 'cpus: 14  mem: -1.0 B wall-timeout: 8640000'
    State              : 'ERROR'
    Dependency state   : 'ERROR'
    Retries available  : '1'
    Input files        : '[/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign.gz]'
    Output files       : '[/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/qc/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.cc.qc, /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/qc/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.cc.plot.pdf]'
    Script file        : '/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/atac.bds.20170430_100625_726/task.postalign_xcor.xcor_rep1.line_121.id_10.sh'
    Exit status        : '1'
    Program            : 

        # SYS command. line 123

         if [[ -f $(which conda) && $(conda env list | grep bds_atac | wc -l) != "0" ]]; then source activate bds_atac; sleep 5; fi;  export PATH=/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/.:/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/modules:/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/utils:${PATH}:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:${HOME}/.bds; set -o pipefail; STARTTIME=$(date +%s)

        # SYS command. line 126

         if [[ $(which run_spp_nodups.R 2> /dev/null | wc -l || echo) == "1" ]]; then RUN_SPP=$(which run_spp_nodups.R); \
                    else RUN_SPP=$(which run_spp.R); \

        # SYS command. line 132

         Rscript ${RUN_SPP} -rf \
                    -c=/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign.gz -p=14 \
                    -filtchr=chrM -savp=/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/qc/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.cc.plot.pdf -out=/home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/qc/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.cc.qc  

        # SYS command. line 135

         sed -r 's/,[^\t]+//g' /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/qc/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.cc.qc > /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/qc/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.cc.qc.tmp

        # SYS command. line 136

         mv /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/qc/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.cc.qc.tmp /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/qc/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.cc.qc

        # SYS command. line 138

         TASKTIME=$[$(date +%s)-${STARTTIME}]; echo "Task has finished (${TASKTIME} seconds)."
    StdErr (100000000 lines)  :
        discarding /opt/miniconda3/bin from PATH
        prepending /opt/miniconda3/envs/bds_atac/bin to PATH
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        Loading required package: caTools
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        use 'source("https://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' or
          'source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")' to update
          'BiocInstaller' after library("utils")
        Error in if ((crosscorr$rel.phantom.coeff >= 0) & (crosscorr$rel.phantom.coeff <  : 
          missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
        Execution halted
    StdOut (100000000 lines)  :
        ChIP data: /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign.gz 
        Control data: NA 
        strandshift(min): -500 
        strandshift(step): 5 
        strandshift(max) 1500 
        user-defined peak shift NA 
        exclusion(min): 10 
        exclusion(max): NaN 
        num parallel nodes: 14 
        FDR threshold: 0.01 
        NumPeaks Threshold: NA 
        Output Directory: /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1 
        narrowPeak output file name: NA 
        regionPeak output file name: NA 
        Rdata filename: NA 
        plot pdf filename: /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/qc/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.cc.plot.pdf 
        result filename: /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/qc/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.cc.qc 
        Overwrite files?: TRUE

        Decompressing ChIP file
        Reading ChIP tagAlign/BAM file /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign.gz 
        opened /tmp/user/1001/RtmpdankZ2/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign398a36f07e82
        done. read 19293694 fragments
        ChIP data read length 75 
        [1] TRUE
        Calculating peak characteristics
        Minimum cross-correlation value 0.1155747 
        Minimum cross-correlation shift 1500 
        Top 3 cross-correlation values NA 
        Top 3 estimates for fragment length NA 
        Window half size NA 
        Phantom peak location 65 
        Phantom peak Correlation 0.4245396 
        Normalized Strand cross-correlation coefficient (NSC) NA 
        Relative Strand cross-correlation Coefficient (RSC) NA 

Fatal error: atac.bds, line 941, pos 4. Task/s failed.

Creating checkpoint file: Config or command line option disabled checkpoint file creation, nothing done.
leepc12 commented 7 years ago

It very hard to figure it out with a log only, can you email (leepc12 at gmail dot com) me your /home/jfertaj/atac-seq/tools/atac_dnase_pipelines/D24_noENCODE/align/rep1/WTCHG_367049_13_1.trim.PE2SE.nodup.25M.tagAlign.gz?

leepc12 commented 7 years ago

fixed in the commit e929fc8. please get the latest pipeline and try again