When i run "bpnet train --premade=bpnet9 dataspec.yml --override='seq_width=200;n_dil_layers=6' .", I got an error message below:
I wonder whether there is something wrong with my bw file. I used bowtie2 to map my chip-seq data to the reference genome, and "samtools view -q 30" to remove reads that had poor mapping quality. Then I used picard MarkDuplicates to remove redundant reads and MergeSamFiles to merge bams files from different replicates. Then I transform bam files to bw files as you introduced in this web https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1VNsNBfugPJfJ02LBgvPwj-gPK0L_djsD#scrollTo=J3Ck7qGJ1tSJ
Dear developers,
Thanks for developing the package!
When i run "bpnet train --premade=bpnet9 dataspec.yml --override='seq_width=200;n_dil_layers=6' .", I got an error message below:
I wonder whether there is something wrong with my bw file. I used bowtie2 to map my chip-seq data to the reference genome, and "samtools view -q 30" to remove reads that had poor mapping quality. Then I used picard MarkDuplicates to remove redundant reads and MergeSamFiles to merge bams files from different replicates. Then I transform bam files to bw files as you introduced in this web https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1VNsNBfugPJfJ02LBgvPwj-gPK0L_djsD#scrollTo=J3Ck7qGJ1tSJ