I'm trying to run TFmodisco-lite on counts_scores.h5 file to carry out motif discovery. However, the command doesn't seem to run and no output or error is generated. The job ends due to Timeout of GPU resources.
This is the code I use to run TF modisco in the chrombpnet virtual environment
modisco motifs -i new.CS.counts_scores.h5 -n 1000000 -o $wordir_path/$pred_prefix_modisco_results.h5
Is anyone facing the same error?
I'm trying to run TFmodisco-lite on counts_scores.h5 file to carry out motif discovery. However, the command doesn't seem to run and no output or error is generated. The job ends due to Timeout of GPU resources.
This is the code I use to run TF modisco in the chrombpnet virtual environment
modisco motifs -i new.CS.counts_scores.h5 -n 1000000 -o $wordir_path/$pred_prefix_modisco_results.h5
Is anyone facing the same error?