kundralaci / JAMResearch

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Real-Time Detection and Tracking of Vehicle Base Fronts for Measuring Traffic Counts and Speeds on Highways #103

Closed kundralaci closed 10 years ago

kundralaci commented 10 years ago

Camera looking on a highway. Theres an instresting method, that we could use: Active Contour Tracking. A closely related approach to blob tracking is based on tracking active contours (also known as snakes) representing the boundary of an object. Vehicle tracking using active contour models has been reported by Koller et al. (6), in which the contour is initialized using a background difference image and tracked using intensity and motion boundaries. Tracking is achieved using two Kalman filters, one for estimating the affine motion parameters (six parameters that account for scaling, shear, rotation and translation of an object in a plane), and the other for estimating the shape of the contour.

It also mentions various techniques for tracking, and has many references!

smeyel commented 8 years ago

Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board Neeraj Kanhere, Stanley Birchfield, Wayne Sarasua, Tom Whitney Volume 1993