kungfooman / RuntimeTypeInspector.js

Checking JSDoc types at runtime for high-quality types - Trust is good, control is better.
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Structurize mapped types #109

Closed kungfooman closed 6 months ago

kungfooman commented 6 months ago


 * @typedef {keyof typeof SUPPORTED_TASKS} TaskType
 * @typedef {keyof typeof TASK_ALIASES} AliasType
 * @typedef {TaskType | AliasType} PipelineType All possible pipeline types.
 * @typedef {{[K in TaskType]: InstanceType<typeof SUPPORTED_TASKS[K]["pipeline"]>}} SupportedTasks A mapping of pipeline names to their corresponding pipeline classes.
 * @typedef {{[K in AliasType]: InstanceType<typeof SUPPORTED_TASKS[TASK_ALIASES[K]]["pipeline"]>}} AliasTasks A mapping from pipeline aliases to their corresponding pipeline classes.
 * @typedef {SupportedTasks & AliasTasks} AllTasks A mapping from all pipeline names and aliases to their corresponding pipeline classes.

(last one is an intersection, the two lines above...)