kungfu-origin / kungfu

Kungfu Trader
Apache License 2.0
3.42k stars 1.12k forks source link

编译 @kungfu-trader/kfx-broker-sim 时候报错了 #122

Open lwgm opened 5 months ago

lwgm commented 5 months ago

系统是 windows11 cmake version 3.29.5 node v14.21.3 yarn 1.22.22 python 3.9.10 pipenv version 2024.0.1 vs 2022 安装vs2022的时候选了windows sdk。


$ kfs extension build
 | -- writing workflows ...
 | -- C:\Users\ll\Desktop\python\cpp\kungfu\.github\CODEOWNERS exists, skip copy
 | -- C:\Users\ll\Desktop\python\cpp\kungfu\.github\workflows\bump-major-version.yml exists, skip copy
 | -- C:\Users\ll\Desktop\python\cpp\kungfu\.github\workflows\bump-minor-version.yml exists, skip copy
 | -- C:\Users\ll\Desktop\python\cpp\kungfu\.github\workflows\release-new-version.yml exists, skip copy
 | -- C:\Users\ll\Desktop\python\cpp\kungfu\.github\workflows\release-verify.yml exists, skip copy
 | -- written to C:\Users\ll\Desktop\python\cpp\kungfu\.github
$ C:\Users\ll\Desktop\python\cpp\kungfu\node_modules\.bin\kfc engage pdm makeup
 | Changes are written to pyproject.toml.
$ C:\Users\ll\Desktop\python\cpp\kungfu\node_modules\.bin\kfc engage pdm install
\ Fetching hashes for resolved packages...
 | All packages are synced to date, nothing to do.
Installing the project as an editable package...
  v Update kfx-broker-sim 0.0.0 -> 0.0.0 successful
 |   - Updating kfx-broker-sim 0.0.0 -> 0.0.0...
 |   All complete!
 |   - Updating kfx-broker-sim 0.0.0 -> 0.0.0...
$ C:\Users\ll\Desktop\python\cpp\kungfu\node_modules\.bin\kfc engage nuitka --module --assume-yes-for-downloads --remove-output --no-pyi-file --include-package=sim --output-dir=dist\sim src\python\sim
 | Nuitka-Options:INFO: Used command line options: --module --assume-yes-for-downloads --remove-output --no-pyi-file --include-package=sim --output-dir=dist\sim src\python\sim
 | Nuitka:INFO: Starting Python compilation with Nuitka '1.5.8' on Python '3.9' commercial grade 'not installed'.
 | Nuitka:INFO: Completed Python level compilation and optimization.
 | Nuitka:INFO: Generating source code for C backend compiler.
 | Nuitka:INFO: Running data composer tool for optimal constant value handling.
 | Nuitka:INFO: Running C compilation via Scons.
 | Nuitka-Scons:INFO: Backend C compiler: cl (cl 14.3).
FATAL: Error, the Windows SDK must be installed in Visual Studio.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
 | Failed to execute $ yarn kfc engage nuitka --module --assume-yes-for-downloads --remove-output --no-pyi-file --include-package=sim --output-dir=dist\sim src\python\sim
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.
 | `yarn build` failed with exit code 1
Stopping 10 active children

安装Visual Studio.时候,把windows的sdk都勾上,是不是还有什么其他的地方没有配置对? image

lwgm commented 5 months ago

参照https://docs.kungfu-trader.com/latest/10-development.html#setup 使用vs自带的 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt VS 2022 可以编译成功了。

运行的时候,运行不了.... kungfu

GCWK commented 5 months ago




  1. 定位到问题是electron触发了 render-process-gone 事件,导致crash了,那就进行debug,参考:Electron 中的 crash 上报和 dump 分析 ,生成 dmp 文件即可 屏幕截图 2024-06-24 155117
  2. 直接使用 vs2022 打开 dmp 文件,进行调试,定位到问题是msvcp140.dll的版本问题(本地已经更新过,错误信息可能是“未找到metux.C”),参考。Access violation with std::mutex::lock after upgrading to VS 2022 version 17.10.0 屏幕截图 2024-06-24 155700
  3. 所以问题就出现在编译后 ...core\dist\kfc\MSVCP140.dll 的版本跟vs 2022 17.10所需要的版本不匹配,前提是已经安装了最新的vc_redist
  4. 最终将 C:\Windows\System32下msvcp140.dll (留意是否是14.40.xxxx版本)拷贝到 ...core\dist\kfc 目录下覆盖即可



因为本地 vc_redist 早已更新为最新版本,和 vs2022 是匹配的,但是为何编译的时候,会把低版本的 msvcp140.dll 打包进去,怀疑是vs2022自带的msvcp140.dll不匹配,是否能在编译流程中能避免

lwgm commented 5 months ago




  1. 定位到问题是electron触发了 render-process-gone 事件,导致crash了,那就进行debug,参考:Electron 中的 crash 上报和 dump 分析 ,生成 dmp 文件即可 屏幕截图 2024-06-24 155117
  2. 直接使用 vs2022 打开 dmp 文件,进行调试,定位到问题是msvcp140.dll的版本问题(本地已经更新过,错误信息可能是“未找到metux.C”),参考。Access violation with std::mutex::lock after upgrading to VS 2022 version 17.10.0 屏幕截图 2024-06-24 155700
  3. 所以问题就出现在编译后 ...core\dist\kfc\MSVCP140.dll 的版本跟vs 2022 17.10所需要的版本不匹配,前提是已经安装了最新的vc_redist
  4. 最终将 C:\Windows\System32下msvcp140.dll (留意是否是14.40.xxxx版本)拷贝到 ...core\dist\kfc 目录下覆盖即可



因为本地 vc_redist 早已更新为最新版本,和 vs2022 是匹配的,但是为何编译的时候,会把低版本的 msvcp140.dll 打包进去,怀疑是vs2022自带的msvcp140.dll不匹配,是否能在编译流程中能避免


另外,试了下,加了捕获代码,抓到dump文件,报的是未找到 mutex.c。 image