kungfusheep / SublimeLinter-contrib-stylelint

this repo is no longer maintained - please see https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter-stylelint
MIT License
116 stars 19 forks source link

Warning styles not coming through #22

Closed chris-pearce closed 8 years ago

chris-pearce commented 8 years ago

My config:

'selector-no-type': [true, {
  ignore: ['descendant'],
  'severity': 'warning'


'selector-no-universal': [true, {
  'severity': 'warning'

In my editor always Error styles:

screen shot 2016-03-22 at 6 40 10 pm

screen shot 2016-03-22 at 6 42 21 pm

My settings file:

    "user": {
        "debug": true,
        "delay": 0.25,
        "error_color": "FC1305",
        "gutter_theme": "Packages/SublimeLinter/gutter-themes/Circle/Circle.gutter-theme",
        "gutter_theme_excludes": [],
        "lint_mode": "background",
        "linters": {
            "eslint": {
                "@disable": false,
                "args": [],
                "excludes": []
            "stylelint": {
                "@disable": false,
                "args": [
                "excludes": []
        "mark_style": "fill",
        "no_column_highlights_line": false,
        "passive_warnings": false,
        "paths": {
            "*": [],
            "linux": [],
            "osx": [],
            "windows": []
        "python_paths": {
            "linux": [],
            "osx": [],
            "windows": []
        "rc_search_limit": 3,
        "shell_timeout": 10,
        "show_errors_on_save": false,
        "show_marks_in_minimap": true,
        "syntax_map": {
            "html (django)": "html",
            "html (rails)": "html",
            "html 5": "html",
            "javascript (babel)": "javascript",
            "magicpython": "python",
            "php": "html",
            "python django": "python",
            "pythonimproved": "python"
        "warning_color": "FFA500",
        "wrap_find": true


"warning_color": "FFA500",

Not sure if I'm missing anything else?

arianjinx commented 8 years ago

Help I'm also facing the same issue, I can't get lint to perform although i could check it via debug mode on console. I already installed postcss stylelint both globally and locally and the warning not shown.

SublimeLinter: stylelint: new.css ['/home/arianraptor/.nvm/versions/node/v5.11.0/bin/node', '/home/arianraptor/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/SublimeLinter-contrib-stylelint/stylelint_wrapper.js', '@', '--config', '/home/arianraptor/Projects/my-project/.stylelintrc'] 
SublimeLinter: stylelint output:

 26:1  ✖  Unclosed block   CssSyntaxError

NOTE: I'm installing node via NVM

niksy commented 8 years ago

@chris-pearce @arianraptor My PR should probably fix your issue