kunheejeon / frontend-react-sessions

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07/17 - 07/21 #3

Open kunheejeon opened 1 year ago

kunheejeon commented 1 year ago


Limitation of JSX: need only one root element need

wrapper => causing div soup sol: use wrapper helper component work as empty component use <React.Fragment> use <> </>

React Portals (ReactDom.createPortal) Modal should not be deeply nested => above root as sibling Q. onClick vs onConfirm

Ref => mostly for reading element (ref.current)

controlled components: managed by react uncontrolled: not managed by react

useReducer Used for complect state management const [state, dispatchFn] = useReducer(reducerFn, initialState, initFn);

React Context Component-wide State Storage ContextFn.Provider, ContextFn.Consumer Most case, use props. But if data or function have to travel a lot of components (which even might not need the data nor function), use context


  • is needed if content should be protected
  • Client(Browser) -> request to server with user credentials -> Server response with auth token
  • Authentication action was implemented to process login and logout mechanism
  • then send http request to communicate between server


kunheejeon commented 1 year ago



  • React Framework
  • built-in Server-side Rendering: data-fetching done on server so client don't have to wait data to be loaded
    • automatic page pre-rendering ex) search engine optimization (SEO)
  • File-based routing
    • Define pages and routes with files and folders instead of code => less code and work
  • fullstack capabilities
    • Easily add backend code to app
    • Storing data, getting data, authentication

Pages Router

  • pages directory is needed with index.js file because the name is reserved to NextJS
    • pages/index.js/
    • pages/blog/index.js/blog
    • Dynamic routes: pages/posts/[dynamicVal].js can be accessed with posts/1, posts/2
    • useRouter().query.dynamicVal to retrieve the param
  • <Link href="/"></Link> SPA navigation

Return pre-rendered page

  • Static Generation
  • Server-side Rendering

getStaticProps() is reserved code by Next.js

  • fetch data at build time. fetched when the application is built and is then served statically
  • useful when you need to fetch data that doesn't change frequently export async function getStaticProps() {}
    export async function getStaticProps() {
    return {
    props: { meetups: DUMMY_MEETUPS },
    revalidate: 10

getServerSideProps() is reserved code by Next.js

  • fetches data from an external source during runtime.
  • useful when you need to serve up-to-date information that changes frequently

    export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
    const req = context.req;
    const res = context.res;
    return {
    props: { meetups: DUMMY_MEETUPS }

getStaticPaths is required for dynamic SSG pages when using getStaticProps()

API Router

  • pages/api directory is needed with index.js file because the name is reserved to NextJS
    • turn JS files into API route

Adding 'head'

  • import Head from "next/head";
  • locate in component function return
    <title>React Meetups</title>
    content="Browse a huge list of highly active React meetups!"
  • metadata description shows on search engine
kunheejeon commented 1 year ago



Deploying React Apps

  • Test Code -> Optimize Code -> Build App -> Upload Production Code to Server -> Configure Server

Optimize Lazy loading

  • Initial load can take quite long and leads to a bad user experience

lazy import () => import('./page/Blog').then((module) => module.loader())

  • import returns a promise => need .then

Lazy fuction lazy() where lazy(() => import('./pages/Blog'))

  • Since import returns a promise, needs lazy() to use it as a component
    • now, need to wrap component JSX with <Suspense>
      <Suspense fallback={<p>Loading...</p>}>
      <BlogPage />

Build App npm run build => create build folder

  • codes are minify


  • React SPA is a "Static Website"
  • Need a Static Site Host
    • Firebase Hosting
kunheejeon commented 1 year ago


### React Animaion

CSS Animation

.ModalOpen { animation: openModal 0.4s ease-out forwards; }
@keyframes openModal {
    0% { opacity: 0; transform: translateY(-100%); }
    50% { opacity: 1; transform: translateY(20%); } // bounce down
    100% { opacity: 1; transform: translateY(0%); }
  • modal hiding: displayed on dev tool element: not reactive and consume resourses (slowing down)

ReactTransitionGroup npm install react-transition-group --save https://reactcommunity.org/react-transition-group/

Transition <Transition> component to show animation

  • 4 main states a Transition: 'entering' 'entered' 'exiting' 'exited'
  • in={} : condition
  • timeout={} : duration of the transition
  • mountOnEnter and unmountOnExit


  • applies a pair of class names during the appear, enter, and exit states of the transition <CSSTransition classNames="my-css"> in CSS file
    .my-css-enter { opacity: 0; }
    .my-css-enter-active {
    opacity: 1;
    transition: opacity 200ms;
    .my-css-exit { opacity: 1; }
    .my-css-exit-active {
    opacity: 0;
    transition: opacity 200ms;


  • Special usage in a list : manages a set of transition components
    <TransitionGroup component="ul" className="List">
    {listItems} // should be <CSSTransition>

Alternative Animation Packages React-Motion, React-Move, react-router-transition