kuno / GeoIP

GeoIP binding for nodejs(>=0.10) and iojs
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
414 stars 129 forks source link

Cannot install geoip@0.4.0 #9

Closed shripadk closed 13 years ago

shripadk commented 13 years ago

npm info it worked if it ends with ok npm info using npm@0.3.0-8 npm info using node@v0.4.0 npm info preinstall geoip@0.4.0 Nothing to clean (project not configured) Checking for program g++ or c++ : /usr/bin/g++ Checking for program cpp : /usr/bin/cpp Checking for program ar : /usr/bin/ar Checking for program ranlib : /usr/bin/ranlib Checking for g++ : ok
Checking for node path : ok /Users/shripadk/.node_libraries Checking for node prefix : ok /usr/local 'configure' finished successfully (0.070s) Waf: Entering directory /home/kuno/harbour/geoip/build' Waf: Leaving directory/home/kuno/harbour/geoip/build' Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/bin/node-waf", line 16, in Scripting.prepare(t, os.getcwd(), VERSION, wafdir) File "/usr/local/bin/../lib/node/wafadmin/Scripting.py", line 145, in prepare prepare_impl(t, cwd, ver, wafdir) File "/usr/local/bin/../lib/node/wafadmin/Scripting.py", line 135, in prepare_impl main() File "/usr/local/bin/../lib/node/wafadmin/Scripting.py", line 188, in main fun(ctx) File "/usr/local/bin/../lib/node/wafadmin/Scripting.py", line 386, in build return build_impl(bld) File "/usr/local/bin/../lib/node/wafadmin/Scripting.py", line 405, in build_impl bld.compile() File "/usr/local/bin/../lib/node/wafadmin/Build.py", line 268, in compile os.chdir(self.bldnode.abspath()) OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output error: '/home/kuno/harbour/geoip/build' npm info geoip@0.4.0 Failed to exec preinstall script npm ERR! install failed Error: geoip@0.4.0 preinstall: node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build npm ERR! install failed sh "-c" "node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build" failed with 1 npm ERR! install failed at ChildProcess. (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/npm/0.3.0-8/package/lib/utils/exec.js:45:20) npm ERR! install failed at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:45:17) npm ERR! install failed at ChildProcess.onexit (child_process.js:171:12) npm info install failed rollback npm info uninstall [ 'geoip@0.4.0' ] npm info preuninstall geoip@0.4.0 npm info uninstall geoip@0.4.0 npm info postuninstall geoip@0.4.0 npm info uninstall geoip@0.4.0 complete npm info install failed rolled back npm ERR! Error: geoip@0.4.0 preinstall: node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build npm ERR! sh "-c" "node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build" failed with 1 npm ERR! at ChildProcess. (/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/npm/0.3.0-8/package/lib/utils/exec.js:45:20) npm ERR! at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:45:17) npm ERR! at ChildProcess.onexit (child_process.js:171:12) npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the geoip@0.4.0 preinstall script. npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the geoip package, npm ERR! not with npm itself. npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system: npm ERR! node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build npm ERR! You can get their info via: npm ERR! npm owner ls geoip npm ERR! There may be additional logging output above. npm not ok

kuno commented 13 years ago

I've re-packaged this module. Please give it a try.

kuno commented 13 years ago

btw: you npm is out of date. Please update to latest version, 1.0.6, or at least 0.3.18.

shripadk commented 13 years ago

Whoops! I upgraded my npm to 0.3.18. Will upgrade to 1.0.6 once some dependant modules upgrade too. However, I'm still getting the same error! Seems like there is a reference to your local path in the build:

OSError: [Errno 5] Input/output error: '/home/kuno/harbour/geoip/build'

Should that be a relative path instead of an absolute path?

kuno commented 13 years ago

this really wired...

kuno commented 13 years ago

ok, for some reasons I don't understand, node-waf seems dose not accept '0.4.0' as version literature. So I changed the version to '0.4.0final'. Go try it, and give me feedback.

shripadk commented 13 years ago

Works! :) Thanks a ton! Definitely some weird node-waf bug!

shripadk commented 13 years ago

Same issue on Ubuntu 10.04,

~ node -v v0.4.7

~ npm --version 1.0.8

    verbose into /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0 [ 'geoip@0.4.0final' ]
    verbose cache add [ 'geoip@0.4.0final', null ]
    info addNamed [ 'geoip', '0.4.0final' ]
    verbose addNamed [ '0.4.0final', '0.4.0final' ]
    verbose GET geoip/0.4.0final
    verbose raw, before any munging geoip/0.4.0final
    verbose url resolving [ 'http://registry.npmjs.org/', './geoip/0.4.0final' ]
    verbose url resolved http://registry.npmjs.org/geoip/0.4.0final
    verbose url parsed { protocol: 'http:',
    verbose url parsed   slashes: true,
    verbose url parsed   host: 'registry.npmjs.org',
    verbose url parsed   hostname: 'registry.npmjs.org',
    verbose url parsed   href: 'http://registry.npmjs.org/geoip/0.4.0final',
    verbose url parsed   pathname: '/geoip/0.4.0final' }
    verbose etag "EV6MTZQT2FDFVNODDLCN8D7EK"
    verbose response http://registry.npmjs.org/geoip/0.4.0final
    silly get cb [ 304,
    silly get cb   { server: 'CouchDB/1.0.2 (Erlang OTP/R14B)',
    silly get cb     etag: '"EV6MTZQT2FDFVNODDLCN8D7EK"',
    silly get cb     date: 'Wed, 01 Jun 2011 10:15:12 GMT',
    silly get cb     'content-length': '0' } ]
    verbose etag geoip/0.4.0final from cache
    verbose bin dist [ '0.4-ares1.7.4-ev4.4-openssl0.9.8k-v83.1.8.10-linux-2.6.32-32-generic',
    verbose bin dist   { shasum: '22da8db57f716afab0ad9e46d40832c62e3f5398',
    verbose bin dist     bin: 
    verbose bin dist      { '0.4-ares1.7.4-ev4.4-openssl1.0.0d-v83.2.10.2-linux-2.6.38-ARCH': 
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    verbose bin dist     tarball: 'http://registry.npmjs.org/geoip/-/geoip-0.4.0final.tgz' } ]
    silly resolved [ { name: 'geoip',
    silly resolved     description: 'GeoIP client for node',
    silly resolved     version: '0.4.0final',
    silly resolved     homepage: 'http://github.com/kuno/GeoIP',
    silly resolved     author: 
    silly resolved      { name: 'Guan \'kuno\' Qing',
    silly resolved        email: 'neokuno at Gmail dot com' },
    silly resolved     contributors: 
    silly resolved      [ { name: 'Vladimir Dronnikov',
    silly resolved          email: 'dronnikov@gmail.com' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Konstantin Käfer',
    silly resolved          email: 'github@kkaefer.com' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'Joe Vennix', email: 'joevennix@gmail.com' },
    silly resolved        { name: 'artems', email: 'tema.semenov@gmail.com' } ],
    silly resolved     repository: 
    silly resolved      { type: 'git',
    silly resolved        url: 'git://github.com/kuno/GeoIP.git' },
    silly resolved     bugs: 
    silly resolved      { email: 'neokuno@gmail.com',
    silly resolved        url: 'http://github.com/kuno/GeoIP/issues' },
    silly resolved     main: 'index.js',
    silly resolved     directory: 
    silly resolved      { src: './src',
    silly resolved        test: './test',
    silly resolved        misc: './misc',
    silly resolved        sample: './sample',
    silly resolved        benchmark: './benchmark' },
    silly resolved     engine: { node: '>=0.4.0', npm: '1' },
    silly resolved     script: { preinstall: 'node-waf configure build' },
    silly resolved     licences: 
    silly resolved      [ { type: 'LGPL2.1',
    silly resolved          url: 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt' } ],
    silly resolved     scripts: { preinstall: 'node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build' },
    silly resolved     dependencies: {},
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    silly resolved     _id: 'geoip@0.4.0final',
    silly resolved     engines: { node: '*' },
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    silly resolved     _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.8',
    silly resolved     _defaultsLoaded: true,
    silly resolved     dist: 
    silly resolved      { shasum: '22da8db57f716afab0ad9e46d40832c62e3f5398',
    silly resolved        bin: 
    silly resolved         { '0.4-ares1.7.4-ev4.4-openssl1.0.0d-v83.2.10.2-linux-2.6.38-ARCH': 
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    silly resolved        tarball: 'http://registry.npmjs.org/geoip/-/geoip-0.4.0final.tgz' },
    silly resolved     directories: {} } ]
    info into /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0 geoip@0.4.0final
    info installOne geoip@0.4.0final
    info unbuild /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/geoip
    silly testEngine { name: 'geoip',
    silly testEngine   description: 'GeoIP client for node',
    silly testEngine   version: '0.4.0final',
    silly testEngine   homepage: 'http://github.com/kuno/GeoIP',
    silly testEngine   author: 
    silly testEngine    { name: 'Guan \'kuno\' Qing',
    silly testEngine      email: 'neokuno at Gmail dot com' },
    silly testEngine   contributors: 
    silly testEngine    [ { name: 'Vladimir Dronnikov',
    silly testEngine        email: 'dronnikov@gmail.com' },
    silly testEngine      { name: 'Konstantin Käfer',
    silly testEngine        email: 'github@kkaefer.com' },
    silly testEngine      { name: 'Joe Vennix', email: 'joevennix@gmail.com' },
    silly testEngine      { name: 'artems', email: 'tema.semenov@gmail.com' } ],
    silly testEngine   repository: 
    silly testEngine    { type: 'git',
    silly testEngine      url: 'git://github.com/kuno/GeoIP.git' },
    silly testEngine   bugs: 
    silly testEngine    { email: 'neokuno@gmail.com',
    silly testEngine      url: 'http://github.com/kuno/GeoIP/issues' },
    silly testEngine   main: 'index.js',
    silly testEngine   directory: 
    silly testEngine    { src: './src',
    silly testEngine      test: './test',
    silly testEngine      misc: './misc',
    silly testEngine      sample: './sample',
    silly testEngine      benchmark: './benchmark' },
    silly testEngine   engine: { node: '>=0.4.0', npm: '1' },
    silly testEngine   script: { preinstall: 'node-waf configure build' },
    silly testEngine   licences: 
    silly testEngine    [ { type: 'LGPL2.1',
    silly testEngine        url: 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt' } ],
    silly testEngine   _id: 'geoip@0.4.0final',
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    silly testEngine   _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.7',
    silly testEngine   _defaultsLoaded: true,
    silly testEngine   dist: { shasum: '3b79b2a5105984b7fb11e436babbde441adfd3be' } }
    verbose caching /home/shripad/.npm/geoip/0.4.0final/package.json
    verbose mkdir done: /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm 755
    verbose unpack_ uid, gid [ 1000, 1000 ]
    verbose unpackTarget /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/geoip
    silly gunzTarPerm modes [ '755', '644' ]
    verbose success gzip "--decompress" "--stdout" "/home/shripad/.npm/geoip/0.4.0final/package.tgz"
    verbose success tar "-mvxpf" "-" "--no-same-owner" "-C" "/home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm"
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/.npmignore
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/index.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/LICENCE
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/.gitignore
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    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/city.h
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/city.cc
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/node_geoip.h
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    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/country.h
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/global.cc
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/utils.h
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/region.h
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/test.h
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/org.cc
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/global.h
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/init.cc
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/netspeed.h
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/country.cc
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/utils.cc
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/org.h
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/netspeed.cc
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/src/test.cc
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/test/
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/test/country.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/test/org.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/test/neco_test.sh
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/test/utils.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/test/test.sh
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/test/netspeed.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/test/city.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/test/region.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/benchmark/
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/benchmark/test.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/benchmark/country.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/benchmark/org.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/benchmark/city.coffee
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/benchmark/netspeed.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/benchmark/city.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/benchmark/city.old.js
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/benchmark/index.coffee
    silly asyncMap in gTP /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package/benchmark/region.js
    verbose gunzed /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package
    verbose rm'ed /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/geoip
    verbose renamed [ '/home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/___geoip.npm/package',
    verbose renamed   '/home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/geoip' ]
    verbose has wscript [ undefined,
    verbose has wscript   { file: '/home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/geoip/package.json',
    verbose has wscript     contributors: false,
    verbose has wscript     serverjs: false,
    verbose has wscript     wscript: true } ]
    silly testEngine { name: 'geoip',
    silly testEngine   description: 'GeoIP client for node',
    silly testEngine   version: '0.4.0final',
    silly testEngine   homepage: 'http://github.com/kuno/GeoIP',
    silly testEngine   author: 
    silly testEngine    { name: 'Guan \'kuno\' Qing',
    silly testEngine      email: 'neokuno at Gmail dot com' },
    silly testEngine   contributors: 
    silly testEngine    [ { name: 'Vladimir Dronnikov',
    silly testEngine        email: 'dronnikov@gmail.com' },
    silly testEngine      { name: 'Konstantin Käfer',
    silly testEngine        email: 'github@kkaefer.com' },
    silly testEngine      { name: 'Joe Vennix', email: 'joevennix@gmail.com' },
    silly testEngine      { name: 'artems', email: 'tema.semenov@gmail.com' } ],
    silly testEngine   repository: 
    silly testEngine    { type: 'git',
    silly testEngine      url: 'git://github.com/kuno/GeoIP.git' },
    silly testEngine   bugs: 
    silly testEngine    { email: 'neokuno@gmail.com',
    silly testEngine      url: 'http://github.com/kuno/GeoIP/issues' },
    silly testEngine   main: 'index.js',
    silly testEngine   directory: 
    silly testEngine    { src: './src',
    silly testEngine      test: './test',
    silly testEngine      misc: './misc',
    silly testEngine      sample: './sample',
    silly testEngine      benchmark: './benchmark' },
    silly testEngine   engine: { node: '>=0.4.0', npm: '1' },
    silly testEngine   script: { preinstall: 'node-waf configure build' },
    silly testEngine   licences: 
    silly testEngine    [ { type: 'LGPL2.1',
    silly testEngine        url: 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.txt' } ],
    silly testEngine   _id: 'geoip@0.4.0final',
    silly testEngine   scripts: { preinstall: 'node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build' },
    silly testEngine   dependencies: {},
    silly testEngine   devDependencies: {},
    silly testEngine   engines: { node: '*' },
    silly testEngine   _engineSupported: true,
    silly testEngine   _npmVersion: '1.0.8',
    silly testEngine   _nodeVersion: 'v0.4.7',
    silly testEngine   _defaultsLoaded: true }
    verbose caching /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/geoip/package.json
    verbose loadDefaults geoip@0.4.0final
    info preinstall geoip@0.4.0final
    verbose unsafe-perm in lifecycle false
    verbose Setting uid from 0 1000
    verbose stack at uid setting Error
    verbose stack at uid setting     at exec (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/exec.js:35:17)
    verbose stack at uid setting     at Array.0 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/lifecycle.js:110:5)
    verbose stack at uid setting     at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:126:26)
    silly exec sh "-c" "node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build"
    info geoip@0.4.0final Failed to exec preinstall script
    ERR! error installing geoip@0.4.0final Error: geoip@0.4.0final preinstall: `node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build`
    ERR! error installing geoip@0.4.0final `sh "-c" "node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build"` failed with 1
    ERR! error installing geoip@0.4.0final     at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/lib/utils/exec.js:49:20)
    ERR! error installing geoip@0.4.0final     at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:67:17)
    ERR! error installing geoip@0.4.0final     at ChildProcess.onexit (child_process.js:192:12)
    info unbuild /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/geoip
    verbose from cache /home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules/geoip/package.json
    info preuninstall geoip@0.4.0final
    info uninstall geoip@0.4.0final
    verbose unbuild geoip@0.4.0final [ false,
    verbose unbuild geoip@0.4.0final   '/usr/local/lib/node_modules',
    verbose unbuild geoip@0.4.0final   '/home/shripad/CODE/Hydra-2.0/node_modules' ]
    info postuninstall geoip@0.4.0final
    verbose installOne cb geoip@0.4.0final
    ERR! geoip@0.4.0final preinstall: `node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build`
    ERR! `sh "-c" "node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build"` failed with 1
    ERR! Failed at the geoip@0.4.0final preinstall script.
    ERR! This is most likely a problem with the geoip package,
    ERR! not with npm itself.
    ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
    ERR!     node-waf clean || true; node-waf configure build
    ERR! You can get their info via:
    ERR!     npm owner ls geoip
    ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
    ERR! System Linux 2.6.32-32-generic
    ERR! command "node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "install" "geoip@0.4.0final"
    verbose exit [ 1, true ]
shripadk commented 13 years ago

sorry! works. ubuntu 10.04 doesn't have libgeoip by default.