kunpeng9 / GTD2020-05-31

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Louiscard/CollaborationGuide4Shaper: For shaper, by shaper, help you be a shaper 🌱 #73

Open kunpeng9 opened 3 years ago

kunpeng9 commented 3 years ago

Collaboration Guide for Shaper 造型师协作指南

我的剑,传给能挥舞它的人。 ——《天路历程》

My Sword, to the one who wields it. As a The Pilgrim’s Progress

这是一份共创指南,给 shaper 的共创指南。

This is a co-creation guide, a co-creation guide for shapers. Hopefully, it will help you use your weapon, unite the forces around you, and shape the world around you as you see it.

Content 内容

For shaper, by shaper, help you be a shaper.


1. self-edu for shaper 1. 塑形者的自我教育

2. join an organization 2. 加入一个组织

3. shape your organization 3. 塑造你的组织





欢迎你也发挥自己的长处,助更多人能把周围塑造成他想见的样子 ;-)

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