kunpeng9 / GTD2020-05-31

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HenryQW/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot: 🐋 A Dockerized, RSS to Telegram Bot #91

Closed kunpeng9 closed 11 months ago

kunpeng9 commented 3 years ago

RSS to Telegram bot RSS 到 Telegram bot

A self-hosted telegram python bot that dumps posts from RSS feeds to a telegram chat. This script was created because all the third party services were unreliable.

一个自我托管的电报蟒蛇机器人,从 RSS 源转储文章到电报聊天。创建这个脚本是因为所有的第三方服务都不可靠。

Installation 安装

Pull And Run 拉然后跑

docker run -e "TOKEN=sometoken" \
-e "CHATID=somechatid" \
-e "DELAY=refresh-interval-in-seconds" \
-d wangqiru/rss.to.telegram

Build Your Own 建立你自己的

docker build -t rss.to.telegram .



docker run -e "TOKEN=sometoken" \
-e "CHATID=somechatid" \
-e "DELAY=refresh-interval-in-seconds" \
-d rss.to.telegram

The sqlite file is stored in /app/data, to persist your data, add -v "/persist-data:/app/data".

Sqlite 文件存储在 / app/data 中,要保存数据,可以添加 - v”/persist-data:/app/data”。

Usage 用法

send /help to the bot to get this message:

发送 / 帮助机器人获得以下信息:

RSS to Telegram bot

RSS 到 Telegram bot

After successfully adding a RSS link, the bot starts fetching the feed every 60 seconds. (This can be set) ⏰⏰⏰ Titles are used to easily manage RSS feeds and need to contain only one word 📝📝📝

成功添加 RSS 链接后,bot 开始每 60 秒获取一次提要。(这可以设置) something something title 用于方便地管理 RSS 源,并且只需包含一个单词



/add title http://www(.)URL(.)com

/ 添加标题 http://www(.)url(.)com

/help Shows this text


/remove !Title! removes the RSS link

/remove! Title! 删除 RSS 链接

/list Lists all the titles and the RSS links from the DB

列出所有来自数据库的标题和 RSS 链接

/test Inbuilt command that fetches a post from Reddits RSS.

/test 内置命令,从 reddit RSS 获取帖子。

Known issues 已知问题

If the bot is set to for example 5 minutes and one feed manages to get 2 new posts before the bot can check. Only the newest post will show up on telegram.

如果机器人设置为例如 5 分钟,一个 feed 在机器人检查之前设法得到 2 个新帖子。只有最新的邮件才会出现在电报上。 https://github.com/HenryQW/RSS-to-Telegram-Bot