kunstler / plantG

Trait-Driven Models of Ecology and Evolution :evergreen_tree:
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Need to compare FF16 and FF16FvCB based on MEE worked example #2

Closed kunstler closed 7 years ago

kunstler commented 7 years ago
kunstler commented 7 years ago

I can get lcp_whole_plant to work with FF16FvCB but not sure why

pF <- scm_base_parameters("FF16FvCB")
sF1 <- strategy(trait_matrix(1e-3,"narea"), pF)
plF1 <- FF16FvCB_PlantPlus(sF1)
lcpF1 <- lcp_whole_plant(plF1)
Error in UseMethod("lcp_whole_plant") : 
  no applicable method for 'lcp_whole_plant' applied to an object of class "c('PlantPlus<FF16FvCB>', 'PlantPlus', 'R6')"

see #5

kunstler commented 7 years ago

Here a comparison for Growth in full light: growth

Growth response to light light

kunstler commented 7 years ago

Comparison of patch dynamics between FF16 (left) and FF16FvCB (right)


kunstler commented 7 years ago

lcp added a new function to replace lcp_whole_plant (but probably not as accurate)

kunstler commented 7 years ago


seems quite different to the Fig 5 of doi.org/10.1101/083451 need to check why

kunstler commented 7 years ago


seems quite different to the Fig 5 of doi.org/10.1101/083451 need to check why.

Ok it was probably only a question of plotting with log = "x"


kunstler commented 7 years ago

Re running for larger gradient of Narea

kunstler commented 7 years ago

Comparison of growth at high vs low water availability in function of Narea with FF16 and FF16FvCB selection_003

Narea with maximum height growth is slightly higher for low water availability in both model.

Comparison of LCP at high vs low water availability in function of Narea with FF16 and FF16FvCB


again Narea with lower lcp is higher at low water availability

kunstler commented 7 years ago

New figure with smoother curves


kunstler commented 7 years ago

Comparison of patch dynamics with FF16 vs FF16FvCB at two different level of 'stress' (either site productivity or vpd)

For FF16 (with constant fecundity at site prod = -0.3 or 0.3) selection_003

For FF16FvCb (with constant fecundity at vpd = 3 or vpd = 0): selection_003

The dynamics seems quite similar.

Files for fecundity function of H at maturity

selection_002 selection_003