kupiakos / LapisMirror

Mirrors images from various sites, and exports them to mirrors like imgur. Plugin-based.
MIT License
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e926: Uploader being credited as artist #33

Closed Shugabuga closed 7 years ago

Shugabuga commented 7 years ago

Note: I'll take care of this. This is for my own reference.

Use artist instead of author when calling the JSON. artist is an array, though, which means it likely would have to call the API slightly differently.

Maybe by changing uploader = json['author'] to uploader = json.artist['0'] or something like that?

Shugabuga commented 7 years ago

Fixed in upcoming PR. And no, that syntax doesn't work.

kupiakos commented 7 years ago

BTW, when submitting a PR, if you have in the comments of the PR or a commit the term Fixes #33 or Resolves #33, among similar things, the issue will automatically be closed when it's pulled in.

Shugabuga commented 7 years ago

Ah, I thought that was just in the titles...

Thanks though!