kupiakos / LapisMirror

Mirrors images from various sites, and exports them to mirrors like imgur. Plugin-based.
MIT License
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Fixing Imgur .gif links by replacing the extension with .gifv #45

Closed spiral6 closed 7 years ago

spiral6 commented 7 years ago

This won't affect any link except the ones that are .gifs. Because Lapis links to the direct image every time, and not the imgur page, this should work for every instance of a .gif.

spiral6 commented 7 years ago

Resolves #30

kupiakos commented 7 years ago

How's it tested? IIRC, Imgur will sometimes say an image is a .jpg even if it is actually a GIF.

Also, you can put Resolves #30 in your Pull Request or commit messages. That way the issue will automatically be referenced, and if I pull it in, the issue will automatically be closed.

Personally I'd prefer for commits to match the standard style in the future.

spiral6 commented 7 years ago

I personally haven't experienced a single instance of when imgur has returned a URL for a .gif incorrectly after uploading. That being said, I can implement a check to see if the URL returns a gif or differently, and implement logic to replace as needed.