kurbatov / firmata4j

Firmata client written in Java.
MIT License
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Document how to use JSerialComm Transport Layer #48

Closed philippegirard closed 3 years ago

philippegirard commented 3 years ago

I am using firmata4j on Windows 10 with OpenJDK 11 and I get the same errors as @centic9 https://github.com/kurbatov/firmata4j/issues/42#issuecomment-753841966

I want to use JSerialCommTransport coded by @NorbertSandor here https://github.com/NorbertSandor/firmata4j/commit/cd9cb59bec502e2f027f33f9fac404da5a7c9398

However I am unable to import JSerialCommTransport with version 2.3.8. image

Maybe a 2.3.9 version including the changes should be released? How can I use JSerialCommTransport in the meantime?

I think there should be a section in the readme that explain how to use each Transport Layer interface (and how to install optional dependencies when needed). I am not very good with maven.

I am happy to help and contribute if I can!

NorbertSandor commented 3 years ago

Until released, you can:

Let me know if the above steps are not sufficient.

philippegirard commented 3 years ago

I was able to make it work with the steps you specified. Thank you @NorbertSandor 🎉

centic9 commented 3 years ago

I use the same workaround, but an official release with this new transport would be nice!

philippegirard commented 3 years ago

I made an unofficial release of firmata4j with the latest commit from the master branch. https://github.com/philippegirard/firmata4j-autopack

You can find today's release here: https://github.com/philippegirard/firmata4j-autopack/tree/main/releases/2021.04.28

If you don't need the jar-with-dependencies, you can pick and choose dependencies from here: https://github.com/philippegirard/firmata4j-autopack/tree/main/releases/2021.04.28/separated

Works very well on Windows 10 and gives access to the JSerialCommTransport transport layer image

If you new more recent releases in the future, just open an issue and it will automatically compile the latest commit in an new release.