Open JoeyBodnar opened 8 years ago
I should add, when I print the parameters coming through the hash, it says they are this:
{"{\"email\":\"\",\"password\":\"password\"}"=>nil, "format"=>:json,
"controller"=>"api/v1/sessions", "action"=>"create"}
I understand that the reason they are coming back as empty strings is because the params[:password] and params[:email] looks for the key "password' and 'email' in the params hash, but there are no actual keys called that. How can I format my request from the iOS side so that instead my params hash looks like:
{"email"=>"", "password"=>"my_password", "format"=>:json,
"controller"=>"api/v1/sessions", "action"=>"create"}
It may be because you're not setting the content type to "application/json" in the header
Your hash looks good, have you tried @SirUncleCid suggestion about the header?
Something I notice is the valid_password?
method, shouldn't be user.valid_password?
I have same issue I have follow this workaround #68 and have add content type header still its return nil
I send my email and password via basic-authenticate header
I have solves this problem
the problem is you cannot sent the email and password via authorization header
you should sent it via data form
curl -v -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '{"session":{"password":"password","email":""}}'
@kurenn is there a solution so that we can use authorization header instead sent it via post parameter?
I think we can use the authorization header by parsing it by ourself and assign it to the desired variables
my code for sessions_controller.rb so that we can take email and passwords from authorization header
def create
authenticate_with_http_basic do |email, password|
user_email = email
user_password = password
user = user_email.present? && User.find_by(email: user_email)
if user and user.valid_password? user_password
sign_in user, store: false
render json: user, status: 200, location: [:api, user]
render json: { errors: "Invalid email or password" }, status: 422
@kurenn hey bro i think you have a lot things to do for your next(rails5) books keep the good works I hope your book will be stable as michael hartl's
@buncismamen Yeah on the new version I'm working on, I'll make a better effort on making the book more stable and less painful in some parts, and thanks for the kind words!
I am trying to access this from my iPhone app. I am trying to sign someone in via a post request, by sending in the email and password. currently I am just hard coding the email and password. Here is my code:
You're first reaction is probably "it should be params[:session][:password] and params[:session][:email]." However, I already tried that, and when I do it that way, I get a server error 500. Actually, when I run the request as params[:session][:password], in my terminal (as I am tracking each request), I get the following error:
So it says that there is an error in line 4 (which is of course where the params[:session][:password] line is). When I run just params[:password] there is no error, and it connects to the server, but the email and password come through as empty strings. I know this because I put this:
and puts user evaluated to false, and user_email and user_password were just blank.
How can I get these values to come through from my iPhone app? And here is my code from Xcode: