kurisaW / KurisaW

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【主页】Metrics.yml #15

Open kurisaW opened 1 year ago

kurisaW commented 1 year ago
# 此开源项目地址 https://github.com/lowlighter/metrics

name: GitHub Metrics

    - cron: "0 0 * * *"
    # https://docs.github.com/zh/actions/using-workflows/events-that-trigger-workflows#schedule

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # 基础信息(顺带了几个小插件)
      - name: base
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/base.svg
          # Your GitHub token
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          # Options
          user: sun0225SUN
          template: classic
          config_timezone: Asia/Shanghai
          base: "header, activity, community, repositories"
          # 此插件为文档中的 🧮 Repositories traffic
          plugin_traffic: yes
          # 此插件为文档中的 👨‍💻 Lines of code changed
          plugin_lines: yes
          # 此插件为文档中的 🙋 Introduction
          plugin_introduction: yes
          # 此插件为文档中的 🎫 Gists
          plugin_gists: yes
          # 此插件为文档中的 💫 Star lists
          plugin_starlists: yes
          plugin_starlists_limit_repositories: 2
          plugin_starlists_languages: yes
          plugin_starlists_limit_languages: 8
          plugin_starlists_only: Awesome

      # 📅 Isometric commit calendar
      - name: Full-year calendar
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/isocalendar.fullyear.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          # 不添加基础信息
          base: ""
          # 使用此插件
          plugin_isocalendar: yes
          # 设置成显示整年
          plugin_isocalendar_duration: full-year

      # 🈷️ Languages activity
      - name: Indepth analysis
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/languages.indepth.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          base: ""
          plugin_languages: yes
          plugin_languages_ignored: >-
            html, css, tex, less, dockerfile, makefile, qmake, lex, cmake, shell,
          plugin_languages_indepth: yes
          plugin_languages_details: lines, bytes-size
          plugin_languages_limit: 4
          plugin_languages_analysis_timeout: 15

      # ✨ Stargazers   
      - name: Using chartist charts
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/stargazers.chartist.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          base: ""
          plugin_stargazers: yes
          plugin_stargazers_charts_type: chartist

#       # 📌 Starred topics
#       - name: Icons
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/topics.icons.svg
#           token: NOT_NEEDED
#           base: ""
#           plugin_topics: yes
#           plugin_topics_limit: 0
#           plugin_topics_mode: icons

      # 🌟 Recently starred repositories
      - name: Recently starred
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/stars.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          base: ""
          plugin_stars: yes
          plugin_stars_limit: 3

#       # 📜 Repository licenses
#       - name: Licenses with open-source ratio graphs
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/licenses.ratio.svg
#           token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
#           base: ""
#           template: repository
#           repo: metrics
#           plugin_licenses: yes
#           plugin_licenses_setup: bash -c '[[ -f package.json ]] && npm ci || true'
#           plugin_licenses_legal: no
#           plugin_licenses_ratio: yes

      # 💡 Coding habits and activity
      - name: Recent activity charts
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/habits.charts.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          base: ""
          plugin_habits: yes
          plugin_habits_facts: no
          plugin_habits_charts: yes
          config_timezone: Europe/Paris

#       # 🏅 Repository contributors
#       - name: Contributors with contributions count
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/contributors.contributions.svg
#           token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
#           base: ""
#           template: repository
#           repo: metrics
#           plugin_contributors: yes
#           plugin_contributors_contributions: yes

      # 🎟️ Follow-up of issues and pull requests 
      - name: Indepth analysis
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/followup.indepth.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          base: ""
          plugin_followup: yes
          plugin_followup_indepth: yes

      # 🎭 Comment reactions
      - name: Comment reactions
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/reactions.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          base: ""
          plugin_reactions: yes
          plugin_reactions_limit: 100
          plugin_reactions_details: percentage

      # 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 People    
      - name: Followers
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/people.followers.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          base: ""
          plugin_people: yes
          plugin_people_limit: 500
          plugin_people_size: 36
          plugin_people_types: followers, following

#       # 💕 GitHub Sponsors
#       - name: Sponsors goal
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/sponsors.svg
#           token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
#           base: ""
#           plugin_sponsors: yes
#           plugin_sponsors_sections: goal, list
#           plugin_sponsors_past: yes

      # 📓 Featured repositories
      - name: Pinned repositories
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/repositories.pinned.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          base: ""
          plugin_repositories: yes
          plugin_repositories_pinned: 2

      # 💬 Discussions
      - name: GitHub Discussions
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/discussions.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          base: ""
          plugin_discussions: yes
          plugin_discussions_categories_limit: 8       

      # 📆 Commit calendar
      - name: Full history calendar
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/calendar.full.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          base: ""
          plugin_calendar: yes
          plugin_calendar_limit: 0

      # 🏆 Achievements
      - name: Compact display
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/achievements.compact.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          base: ""
          plugin_achievements: yes
          plugin_achievements_only: >-
            polyglot, stargazer, sponsor, deployer, member, maintainer, developer,
            scripter, packager, explorer, infographile, manager
          plugin_achievements_display: compact
          plugin_achievements_threshold: X

      # 📰 Recent activity
      - name: Recent activity
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/activity.svg
          token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
          base: ""
          plugin_activity: yes
          plugin_activity_limit: 5
          plugin_activity_days: 0
          plugin_activity_filter: issue, pr, release, fork, review, ref/create

#       # ♐ Random code snippet
#       - name: JavaScript or TypeScript snippet of the day
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/code.svg
#           token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN }}
#           base: ""
#           plugin_code: yes
#           plugin_code_languages: javascript, typescript
#           plugin_code_load: 400

#       # 🗂️ GitHub projects
#       - name: Project from a repository
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/projects.svg
#           token: ${{ secrets.METRICS_TOKEN_WITH_SCOPES }}
#           base: ""
#           plugin_projects: yes
#           plugin_projects_repositories: lowlighter/metrics/projects/1
#           plugin_projects_descriptions: yes

#       # 🌇 GitHub Skyline
#       - name: GitHub Skyline
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/skyline.svg
#           token: NOT_NEEDED
#           base: ""
#           plugin_skyline: yes
#           plugin_skyline_year: 2023
#           plugin_skyline_frames: 6
#           plugin_skyline_quality: 1

      # ⏱️ Google PageSpeed
      - name: Screenshot
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/pagespeed.screenshot.svg
          token: NOT_NEEDED
          base: ""
          plugin_pagespeed: yes
          plugin_pagespeed_detailed: yes
          plugin_pagespeed_screenshot: yes
          plugin_pagespeed_token: ${{ secrets.PAGESPEED_TOKEN }}
          plugin_pagespeed_url: https://blog.sunguoqi.com

      # 🐤 Latest tweets
      # 需要申请开发者账户
#       - name: Latest tweets including attachments
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/tweets.attachments.svg
#           token: NOT_NEEDED
#           base: ""
#           plugin_tweets: yes
#           plugin_tweets_token: ${{ secrets.TWITTER_TOKEN }}
#           plugin_tweets_attachments: yes
#           plugin_tweets_user: github
#           plugin_tweets_limit: 1

      # 🗨️ Stack Overflow
      - name: Top answers from stackoverflow
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/stackoverflow.svg
          token: NOT_NEEDED
          base: ""
          plugin_stackoverflow: yes
          plugin_stackoverflow_user: 1
          plugin_stackoverflow_sections: answers-top
          plugin_stackoverflow_limit: 2

#       # 🌸 Anilist watch list and reading list
#       - name: Favorites characters
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/anilist.characters.svg
#           token: NOT_NEEDED
#           base: ""
#           plugin_anilist: yes
#           plugin_anilist_sections: characters
#           plugin_anilist_limit_characters: 22

#       # 🎼 Music activity and suggestions
#       - name: Spotify - Random track from playlist
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/music.playlist.spotify.svg
#           token: NOT_NEEDED
#           base: ""
#           plugin_music: yes
#           plugin_music_playlist: https://open.spotify.com/embed/playlist/3nfA87oeJw4LFVcUDjRcqi

#       # ✒️ Recent posts
#       - name: Recent posts with descriptions and cover images
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/posts.full.svg
#           token: NOT_NEEDED
#           base: ""
#           plugin_posts: yes
#           plugin_posts_source: dev.to
#           plugin_posts_limit: 2
#           plugin_posts_descriptions: yes
#           plugin_posts_covers: yes

#       # 🗼 Rss feed
#       - name: News from hackernews
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/rss.svg
#           token: NOT_NEEDED
#           base: ""
#           plugin_rss: yes
#           plugin_rss_source: https://news.ycombinator.com/rss
#           plugin_rss_limit: 4

      # ⏰ WakaTime
      - name: WakaTime
        uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
          filename: github-metrics/wakatime.svg
          token: NOT_NEEDED
          base: ""
          plugin_wakatime: yes
          plugin_wakatime_sections: time, projects, projects-graphs, languages, languages-graphs, editors, os
          plugin_wakatime_token: ${{ secrets.WAKATIME_API_KEY }}

#       # 🗳️ Leetcode
#       - name: LeetCode
#         uses: lowlighter/metrics@latest
#         with:
#           filename: github-metrics/leetcode.svg
#           token: NOT_NEEDED
#           base: ""
#           plugin_leetcode: yes
#           plugin_leetcode_sections: solved, skills, recent