kuriwaki / cvr_harvard-mit_scripts

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Stray party value in Camden, NJ #333

Closed kuriwaki closed 1 month ago

kuriwaki commented 1 month ago

In the current release, there is just one entry that has a party (short) value of W-I. This is a voter in Camden, NJ who wrote in "PROGRESSIVE" as a cadndate for NJ-01 House. I would like to remove this because it is confusing; it looks like there is only one write-in vote in the whole dataset.

> count(ds, party) |> collect()
# A tibble: 7 × 2
  party        n
  <chr>    <int>
1 DEM   82384509
2 REP   68311630
3 LBT    1009953
4 NA     6753458
5 OTH    2249594
6 GRN     209927
7 W-I          1

What I have tried:

mreece13 commented 1 month ago

Resolved in https://github.com/kuriwaki/cvr_harvard-mit_scripts/commit/fefd74aa3fcd81644738d9994268358e1438899d