kurko / ember-json-api

JSON API adapter for Ember Data.
MIT License
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Updated to the RC3 standard of JSON API #71

Closed eneuhauser closed 9 years ago

eneuhauser commented 9 years ago

Per JSON API RC3 release, the spec is close to being finalized. Now there is a line in the sand, it's easy to build against the RC3 standard until either another release candidate or 1.0 is ratified. The main feature that this pull request supports that #68 does not is the consistent linkage change, where a linked resource will have a linkage property that includes the type and id. The serializer is not backwards compatible and only works with the RC3 standard.

One concept of JSON API I have not been able to support is the self link. The current interface for the adapter does not allow accessing the owner record when doing a createRecord or updateRecord. I'm storing the self link within the resource's links, but there currently isn't a way to access it.

On the current project I'm working on, I have updated my server to be compliant with the RC3 standard and this adapter and serializer is working well.

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

The following could be because I'm not following the spec correctly, but humor me. In a case where there are links in objects in the included array, an error is thrown if the link is not a string, but an object. This means that I cannot, in an object in the included array, provide linkage to another object in the included array.


  "data": {
    "type": "myType",
    "id": "1",
    "name": "myType Name",
    "links": {
      "self": "/myTypes/1",
      "linkOne": {
        "self": "/myTypes/1/linkOne",
        "linkage": { "type": "subLink", "id": "1" }
  "included": [{
    "type": "subLink",
    "id": "1",
    "name": "subLink Name",
    "links": {
      "self": "/myTypes/1/linkOne",
      "linkTwo": {
        "self": "/myTypes/1/linkOne/linkTwo",
        "linkage": { "type": "otherSubLink", "id": "1" } // <---- Link to another sideloaded record
  }, {
    "type": "otherSubLink",
    "id": "1",
    "name": "otherSubLink Name",
    "links": {
      "self": "/myTypes/1/linkOne/linkTwo"


eneuhauser commented 9 years ago

Hi @green-arrow,

I believe your interpretation is correct and I just committed a change that should fix this issue. I also included additional tests to check for this scenario. Thanks for the feedback.

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

@eneuhauser I just pulled down your branch with the recent update and it's working beautifully. Tests look good as well.

@kurko - is there anything in particular that is stopping this from being merged?

kurko commented 9 years ago

No. Will review this afternoon! On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 8:52 AM Andrew Walton notifications@github.com wrote:

@eneuhauser https://github.com/eneuhauser I just pulled down your branch with the recent update and it's working beautifully. Tests look good as well.

@kurko https://github.com/kurko - is there anything in particular that is stopping this from being merged?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/kurko/ember-json-api/pull/71#issuecomment-83522320.

jonkoops commented 9 years ago

I'm still missing the right Content-Type and Accept header for exchanging data. From the specification:

Any requests that contain content MUST include a Content-Type header whose value is application/vnd.api+json. This header value MUST also include media type extensions relevant to the request.

JSON API requests MUST include an Accept header specifying the JSON API media type. This header value MUST also include media type extensions relevant to the request. Servers MUST return a 406 Not Acceptable status code if this header is missing or specifies an unsupported media type.

I suggest overwriting the ajaxOptions method to set these headers in the AJAX request, like so:

ajaxOptions: function(url, type, options) {
  var hash = this._super(url, type, options);  

  hash.accepts = {
    json: 'application/vnd.api+json'

  if (hash.data && type !== 'GET') {
    hash.contentType = 'application/vnd.api+json';

  return hash;

Updated my comment to include the Accept header

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

Additional comment in regards to findBelongsTo:

findBelongsTo: function(store, record, url, relationship) {
  var related = record[relationship.key];
  // FIXME Without this, it was making unnecessary calls, but cannot create test to verify.
  if(related) { return; }
  return this.ajax(url, 'GET');

Due to this FIXME, belongsTo relationships don't get loaded if the key is found on the record.

Example model:

export default DS.Model.extend({
    vitals: DS.belongsTo('vitals', { async: true })

When trying to get the vitals property, the if(related) { return; } block is executed and a request is never fired.

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

Additional issue that I ran across: specifying an empty array for the root data attribute fails.

When normalizePayload is called, we recognize that we're dealing with an array and call extractArrayData:

extractArrayData: function(data, payload) {
  var type = data.length > 0 ? data[0].type : null, serializer = this;
  data.forEach(function(item) {
    if(item.links) {
      serializer.extractRelationships(item.links, item);
      //delete data.links;

  payload[type] = data;

If no data is present, we punt and say the type is null. This causes issues (particularly in the case where you are looking up a hasMany relationship). The serializer cannot resolve the type, and we get an error:

Error: Assertion Failed: The response from a findHasMany must be an Array, not undefined
eneuhauser commented 9 years ago

@jonkoops, I added 'application/vnd.api+json' in the list of accept headers and set the content type for non-GET requests. Both of these are overridable as properties in the adapter without having to override the whole ajaxOptions method.

@green-arrow, I've fixed the empty array issue. I also removed my override of findBelongsTo. I'm not seeing the extra requests I use to, so some other logic must have fixed that.

jonkoops commented 9 years ago

@eneuhauser Looks good to me 👍

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

@eneuhauser awesome.

Additional question. The spec says that you could include a query param ?include=relationship, making the server sideload the specified relationship. This means that the property on the model will most likely be marked as { async: true }. In this case, calling model.get('relationship') results in an API call being made. I would guess that if the record has already been side-loaded, we wouldn't want to kick off another API call.


eneuhauser commented 9 years ago

@green-arrow, if you look at the compound-document-test, that's the use case it's validating. The test case ensures that regardless if the relationship is marked as async true or false, if a relationship is returned in the included section, it will not make another request.

This is the case when you do model.get('relationship;); however, if you do store.find('model'), it will always make a new call.

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

@eneuhauser gotcha. I will have to do some digging on my end then, because I am seeing more calls executed even though the belongsTo relationship has already been loaded in the included section.

joshsmith commented 9 years ago

@eneuhauser is this supposed to fire API calls when hasMany and belongsTo are marked as { async: true }?

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

@JoshSmith @eneuhauser stated that API calls should not be fired in this case if they've already been loaded via the included section, but I am still seeing API calls fired for both relationship types.

eneuhauser commented 9 years ago

@JoshSmith, the app will fire API calls when calling get on a hasMany and belongsTo that are marked as { async: true } when those resources have not already been pushed to the store. The resources can be pushed to the store by either being returned in an included block within the response or from a previous call.

@green-arrow, I'm not sure if you're still having your issue with having extra calls, but I had seen that once before, which is why I use to have the if(related) { return; } logic in the findBelongsTo. Unfortunately, I can't explain how that issue got cleared up for me and it doesn't exist in the integration tests. What's even odder is that var related = record[relationship.key]; should never return a value because record is a DS.Model and relationship.key shouldn't be a property.

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

@eneuhauser the following prevents duplicate requests:


findBelongsTo: function(store, snapshot, url, relationship) {
  if(snapshot.belongsTo(relationship.key)) { return; }

  return this._super(store, snapshot, url, relationship);

Note: This is using ember-data 1.0.0-beta.16 and taking advantage of the new snapshot API. By detecting if the belongsTo relationship exists on the snapshot, we can stop another call from being made.

It seems to me, though, that this behavior should be native to ember-data and not something that the JsonApiAdapter should have to do. If the record is already loaded, should ember-data simply not execute the findBelongsTo method on the adapter?

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

I think I've narrowed it down a bit more, but now I'm stuck. In ember-data, there is the following code:

BelongsToRelationship.prototype.getRecord = function() {
  //TODO(Igor) flushCanonical here once our syncing is not stupid
  if (this.isAsync) {
    var promise;
    if (this.link) {
      var self = this;
      promise = this.findLink().then(function() {
        return self.findRecord();
    } else {
      promise = this.findRecord();

    return PromiseObject.create({
      promise: promise,
      content: this.inverseRecord
  } else {
    Ember.assert("You looked up the '" + this.key + "' relationship on a '" + this.record.constructor.typeKey + "' with id " + this.record.get('id') +  " but some of the associated records were not loaded. Either make sure they are all loaded together with the parent record, or specify that the relationship is async (`DS.belongsTo({ async: true })`)", this.inverseRecord === null || !this.inverseRecord.get('isEmpty'));
    return this.inverseRecord;

The issue is that this.link is populated with a link to the record, so a new promise is being kicked off and a request made. If this.link was falsey, a new PromiseObject would be created with its content set to this.inverseRecord, whose value is the already loaded record.

In json-api-serializer, there is a method called extractRelationships. Near the bottom of the method, there is this if block:

if(id) {
  resource[link] = id;

If I change that block to the following, additional requests are not made:

if(id) {
  resource[link] = id;
  delete resource.links[link];

As far as I can tell, this doesn't seem to have any adverse side effects. I have not pulled down the source and run the tests though. Could someone try what I have above and see if all tests pass? I would do that myself but I have to hop off for a while to attention my kids :smile:

tobyzerner commented 9 years ago

Polymorphic relationships are broken with this because the type keys of any linkage objects are disregarded/thrown away. I was able to fix by adding it back in to the getLinkageId and getLinkageIds functions at the very bottom of json-api-serializer.js:

function getLinkageId(linkage) {
  if(Ember.isEmpty(linkage)) { return null; }
  return (Ember.isArray(linkage)) ? getLinkageIds(linkage) : {type: Ember.String.singularize(linkage.type), id: linkage.id};
function getLinkageIds(linkage) {
  if(Ember.isEmpty(linkage)) { return null; }
  var ids = [], index, total;
  for(index=0, total=linkage.length; index<total; ++index) {
    ids.push({type: Ember.String.singularize(linkage[index].type), id: linkage[index].id});
  return ids;
green-arrow commented 9 years ago

By adding the delete line above, the code that @tobscure provided, and the following to the adapter, I think we're pretty much covered:

findBelongsTo: function(store, snapshot, url, relationship) {
  if(snapshot.belongsTo(relationship.key)) { return; }

  return this._super(store, snapshot, url, relationship);
findHasMany: function(store, snapshot, url, relationship) {
  if(snapshot.hasMany(relationship.key).get('length')) { return []; }

  return this._super(store, snapshot, url, relationship);
eneuhauser commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately, none of these pass the tests.

@green-arrow, by definition of the model, snapshot.belongsTo(relationship.key) should always return true regardless if it's loaded. This is similar to what I was trying before. Essentially, you need to see if the relationship has already been loaded without calling get, since that results in an infinite loop. But as you stated, that really should be the job of ember-data, not the adapter. As for deleting the link, the link is used for other things, like updating the record.

@tobscure, type isn't lost because it is defined in the relationship.

If you could send me a sample of your response, I can see if I could duplicate the problem.

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

@eneuhauser that's not correct. snapshot.belongsTo(relationship.key) will return a value if one is already loaded. Otherwise, undefined is returned. At least that is what is stated in the ember-data docs:


Calling belongsTo will return a new Snapshot as long as there's any data available, such as an ID. If there's no data available belongsTo will return undefined.

I was not aware that the link was used for other things. In that case, it seems that there is a bug in ember-data in the method I posted above. It seems like this.inverseRecord should be the first thing checked instead of this.link, and if it is defined, the promise immediately resolved and no AJAX call made. Does that seem right to you?

Maybe @mixonic or somebody else familiar with ember-data could chime in on that?

tobyzerner commented 9 years ago

@eneuhauser Given a polymorphic relationship setup like this:

App.Activity = DS.Model.extend({
  subject: DS.belongsTo('subject', {polymorphic: true})

App.Subject = DS.Model.extend();
App.Post = App.Subject.extend();
App.Discussion = App.Subject.extend();

And a JSON-API response like this:

  "data": [
      "type": "activity",
      "id": "1",
      "links": {
        "subject": {
          "linkage": { "type": "post", "id": "1" }
      "type": "activity",
      "id": "2",
      "links": {
        "subject": {
          "linkage": { "type": "discussion", "id": "2" }
  "included": [
      "type": "post",
      "id": "1"
      "type": "discussion",
      "id": "1"

Currently, this serializer is normalizing the payload to this:

  "subject": 1

Which causes Ember Data to freak out because it doesn't know which model type the relationship is to. Instead, my code normalizes it to:

  "subject": { "type": "post", "id": 1 }

Which fixes the problem. It was a quick fix; it shouldn't include the type if it's not a polymorphic relationship (and I'm guessing that's the cause of the failed tests).

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

The code I had for findHasMany won't work.

findHasMany: function(store, snapshot, url, relationship) {
  if(snapshot.hasMany(relationship.key).get('length')) { return []; }

  return this._super(store, snapshot, url, relationship);

The next method called is extractArray, which just returns Ember.A() if no payload is defined.

The root of this problem seems to be the prototypes for BelongsTo and HasMany executing an ajax call if this.link is defined. I have no idea how to resolve this problem.

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

Sorry for spamming this PR, but I did manage to find a super hacky workaround for findHasMany:

findHasMany: function(store, snapshot, url, relationship) {
  if(snapshot.hasMany(relationship.key).get('length')) { return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => reject()); }

  return this._super(store, snapshot, url, relationship);

In all, my application adapter looks like this, and I'm not seeing any extra requests being made for data loaded via the included section, and all my side-loaded data appears correctly.

import Ember from 'ember';
import JsonApiAdapter from 'ember-json-api/json-api-adapter';
import ENV from '../../config/environment';

export default JsonApiAdapter.extend({
  host: ENV.APP.adapter.host,
  namespace: ENV.APP.adapter.namespace,
  findBelongsTo: function(store, snapshot, url, relationship) {
    if(snapshot.belongsTo(relationship.key)) { return; }

    return this._super(store, snapshot, url, relationship);
  findHasMany: function(store, snapshot, url, relationship) {
    if(snapshot.hasMany(relationship.key).get('length')) { return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => reject()); }

    return this._super(store, snapshot, url, relationship);
green-arrow commented 9 years ago

@tobscure how are you making polymorphic relationships work with this serializer? It seems like polymorphic support was explicitly removed by @eneuhauser

     * Use "links" key, remove support for polymorphic type
    serializeBelongsTo: function(record, json, relationship) {
      var attr = relationship.key;
      var belongsTo = record.belongsTo(attr);
      var type = this.keyForRelationship(relationship.type.typeKey);
      var key = this.keyForRelationship(attr);

      if (isNone(belongsTo)) return;

      json.links = json.links || {};
      json.links[key] = belongsToLink(key, type, get(belongsTo, 'id'));

To clarify, I have a polymorphic relationship defined, but ember-data is not pushing anything to the store. If I change the belongsTo relationship to point directly to the child object and not the parent, everything works fine.

tobyzerner commented 9 years ago

@green-arrow I haven't been saving polymorphic relationships, only fetching them

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

@tobscure what does your payload look like? I have an async polymorphic belongsTo that isn't being loaded properly.

tobyzerner commented 9 years ago

Pretty much exactly what is in https://github.com/kurko/ember-json-api/pull/71#issuecomment-85333350... mine isn't async though, maybe that could be your problem?

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

I'm willing to bet that async is the problem. I know other people have had issues with polymorphic + async relationships.

So, where do we stand on the status of this PR?

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

For anyone interested in polymorphic async relationships with ember-json-api, I managed to get a belongsTo relationship working. I modified my findBelongsTo method as follows:

findBelongsTo: function(store, snapshot, url, relationship) {
  if(snapshot.belongsTo(relationship.key)) { return; }

  return this._super(store, snapshot, url, relationship).then((response) => {
    if(relationship.options.polymorphic) {
      relationship.type = store.modelFor(response.data.type);

    return response;

By replacing the relationship type with the actual concrete type returned from the API, ember-data is able to correctly serialize the record and push it into the store.

I'm not sure exactly how much of a hack this is, so maybe @eneuhauser can chime in with his thoughts.

Regardless of that, I feel like this PR is at a point where it would be extremely beneficial to merge it.

joshsmith commented 9 years ago

I'm trying to use the fix provided by @tobscure but nothing seems to fire off new API calls for non-included links. My API looks to spec (using an RC3 PR for AMS), so I'm not really sure what's going wrong. I can post some more here if useful.

eneuhauser commented 9 years ago

There currently aren't any polymorphic unit tests. If anyone would like to build one, you can make a pull request against my repository. I've tried all the proposed fixes in here, but they break other unit tests.

@green-arrow, the guard statement if(snapshot.belongsTo(relationship.key)) { return; } in findBelongsTo breaks the tests. Even when it returns []. If I remove the guard statement, the rest of the code does not break the tests, but I don't know if that fixes your problem.

Also, when I upgrade to v1.0.0-beta.16, I get the following warning DEPRECATION: Usage of 'snapshot.constructor' is deprecated, use 'snapshot.type' instead.. I'd like to fix those occurrences before upgrading.

@tobscure, thanks for the insights on polymorphic. Do you know of a way to get the relationship type at the time of extractRelationships so we can return the proper response?

I don't have a lot of time this week, but I'll do what I can. Instead, I have to context shift and work on an Angular project.

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

@JoshSmith I just submitted a PR that doesn't fire off requests for data loaded via an included section, but will fire off requests for relationships that have not yet been loaded. All tests pass for me. As soon as @eneuhauser gets the time, I'm hoping that he can take a look and merge it.

kurko commented 9 years ago

This PR looks amazing. A few rough edge, but amazing nonetheless. I'd like to have someone testing in their apps before merging this. Please let us know about the problems or successes you're having :smile: (if you retweet https://twitter.com/kurko/status/580735904999952384 we might get more visibility)

sirvine commented 9 years ago

@kurko The only problem I've had so far is that I had coalesceFindRequests turned on initially after converting from ActiveModelAdapter. The PR works without that option, and I think it makes sense to get this PR into the addon, and deal with coalescing queries later.

joshsmith commented 9 years ago

This is still not firing any API requests for me.

My JSON API response:

  data: {
    id: "3",
    title: "Chopped Salad",
    awaiting_answers: false,
    displayable: true,
    cover_photo_public_id: "u1gctflzpczfilyu8vph",
    plural: false,
    cook_time: null,
    paid: true,
    trialing: false,
    accessible: false,
    type: "recipes",
    links: {
      steps: {
        linkage: [
            type: "steps",
            id: "64"
            type: "steps",
            id: "66"
            type: "steps",
            id: "67"

What I had expected to see was an API request fired for GET /steps/67, for example. (And eventually it'd be nice if those were coalesced a la @sirvine's coalesceFindRequests). But I don't see any other API requests after GET /recipes/3.

Am I the culprit here?

joshsmith commented 9 years ago


fotinakis commented 9 years ago

+1 for getting this PR in!

I've been able to successfully upgrade to this and run from eneuhauser's fork, albeit finding out that you must upgrade to ember-data 1.0.0-beta.16 (beta.15 is incompatible).

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

@JoshSmith I'm not sure why you're having this issue. One of the tests explicitly tests for a scenario where additional resources are requests if provided in linkage:


var get = Ember.get, set = Ember.set;
var env;
var responses, fakeServer;

module('integration/specs/multiple-resource-links-test', {
    setup: function() {
        fakeServer = stubServer();

        responses = {
            posts_not_compound: {
                data: [{
                    type: 'posts',
                    id: '1',
                    title: 'Rails is Omakase',
                    links: {
                        author: {
                            related: '/posts/1/author',
                            linkage: {
                                type: 'authors',
                                id: '2'
                }, {
                    type: 'posts',
                    id: '2',
                    title: 'TDD Is Dead lol',
                    links: {
                        author: {
                            related: '/posts/2/author',
                            linkage: {
                                type: 'authors',
                                id: '1'
            post_1_author: {
                data: {
                    type: 'authors',
                    id: '2',
                    name: 'dhh'
            post_2_author: {
                data: {
                    type: 'authors',
                    id: '1',
                    name: 'ado'

        env = setupStore(setModels());

    teardown: function() {
        Ember.run(env.store, 'destroy');

asyncTest('GET /posts/1 calls later GET /posts/1/comments when Posts has async comments', function() {
    var models = setModels({
        authorAsync: true
    env = setupStore(models);

    fakeServer.get('/posts', responses.posts_not_compound);
    fakeServer.get('/posts/1/author', responses.post_1_author);
    fakeServer.get('/posts/2/author', responses.post_2_author);

    Em.run(function() {
        env.store.find('post').then(function(records) {
            equal(records.get('length'), 2, 'there are 2 posts');

             var post1 = records.objectAt(0);
             var post2 = records.objectAt(1);
             var promises = [];

             promises.push(post1.get('author').then(function(author) {
                equal(author.get('name'), 'dhh', 'post1 author');
             promises.push(post2.get('author').then(function(author) {
                 equal(author.get('name'), 'ado', 'post2 author');

joshsmith commented 9 years ago

@green-arrow I'm not really sure either. Happy to pair with someone or provide more info where needed, but I don't see what could be the problem here. Tried debugging but got nowhere.

joshsmith commented 9 years ago

Do I need to very specifically call .get to have the request happen? I'm going from a working app operating in the wild under ActiveModelAdapter for some time to using the JsonApiAdapter instead. I would expect the functionality I had to not break so severely.

joshsmith commented 9 years ago

I also notice that there's a related key that I don't have in my API's JSON response, but wouldn't think that would make a difference.

joshsmith commented 9 years ago

The way I'm getting steps is like so:

var RecipeController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  steps: (function() {
    return Ember.ArrayProxy.createWithMixins(Ember.SortableMixin, {
      sortProperties: ['position'],
      content: this.get('content.steps')
green-arrow commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure if this will make a difference, but do you need to use an ObjectController here? I believe that and ArrayController will be deprecated in the future.

I assume you have a model backing this controller, so I'd change content.steps to model.steps.

I'm also not familiar with content.steps.[]. If you're wanting to base the CP off of each item in the steps array, I think the proper syntax is model.steps.@each.

Again, I have no idea if any of these things will help. My first suggestion would be to use a regular Controller instead of ObjectController and see if that helps any.

I don't think the related link should have anything to do with it.

var RecipeController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  steps: Ember.computed('model.steps.@each', function() {
    return Ember.ArrayProxy.createWithMixins(Ember.SortableMixin, {
      sortProperties: ['position'],
      content: this.get('model.steps')
joshsmith commented 9 years ago

I thought the proper syntax was .[] for an array. I always get confused by the salient difference between that and .@each.

I updated this (aside from the ObjectController to Controller change) and still nothing. No request gets fired.


Here's the most I really understand about the difference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16321885/what-is-the-difference-between-the-property-and-the-each-property-in-emb

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

Would you be open to trying the change to a normal Ember.Controller and content => model?

Aside from that, can you verify that you're actually getting inside of the steps computed property? If so, what happens if you just return this.get('model.steps')?

Is your code private, or is it in a public place where someone can take a look?

sirvine commented 9 years ago

@JoshSmith Are you calling get on something else to pull the recipe model? If so, you might need to chain the steps get call after the recipe promise resolves.

joshsmith commented 9 years ago

If I manually call the model.get('steps') in my afterModel hook then the API requests are successfully made.

Is this expected behavior? It was non-obvious to me that I would need to manually call .get on every single relationship in order to load related data.

Unfortunately @green-arrow the code is in a private repo.

green-arrow commented 9 years ago

@JoshSmith if you're relationship is marked as async, it is not fetched until it is actually referenced (either in a template or via a get call).

joshsmith commented 9 years ago

But the this.get('model.steps') I tried inside the RecipeController I would imagine would have hit that, and that is definitely hit by my templates. I even commented that out and just tried to iterate over steps in the template, which also does not work.